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Take Me Away novel Chapter 132

"What? Have you lost your mind?" Spencer spat out the water he was drinking and roared. He paid no attention to the people passing by, who gasped with their eyes wide open in shock. "What is this nonsensical talk? You're my sister. And that's final. Do you understand? There can be nothing else between us!"

Celine sighed and looked away from him. "That's the only thing I want. Nothing else would make me happy. Since you have no intentions of giving me what I want, I won't force you," she said in a gloomy voice.

"I don't want to hear you mention such nonsense ever again. I won't have it!" Spencer said sternly. He turned his back to Celine and stomped off without looking at her.

She narrowed her eyes as she heard his footsteps receding. She took out her cellphone from her pocket and dialed a phone number. She wasn't sure if it was going to work, but she was willing to try.

"Finally, you decide to call me." On the other end of the line was Charles, smiling.

"The drug. I need it. Give me the drug," Celine whispered. She had left the drug that Charles had given her in M City. She hadn't expected to use it here, but now, she wasn't left with much choice.

Charles agreed without a second thought. "Certainly. Don't forget to report Spencer's every move to me."

"Of course, I will," Celine promised. Just when Charles was about to disconnect the call, she stopped him.

"Well, is there anything else?" he asked.

"Can you get rid of Fiona for me?" Celine asked tentatively, her lips quivering.

Upon hearing this, Charles laughed maniacally on the other end of the line. It was almost impossible to guess what he was thinking. "You think too highly of me. I failed the last time; now it's impossible. Spencer is on guard now. Besides, I can't go back to M City." Celine snorted. "You can't kill her, or you don't want to?" she asked, clenching her fists.

She was about to say something more when a few doctors came over. She instantly lowered her voice and whispered, "I have to go. I can't talk to you right now but I'll keep in touch."

She then disconnected the call.

"Miss Cheng, you need to take care of yourself. Please rest in your ward," a doctor reminded her as he walked to her side.

"I'm fine. Thank you." Celine gave him a curt nod.

She watched as the doctors left. Once they were out of sight, she snorted and went back to the ward.

Only two days ago, she had found Charles' number on her phone while lying on her bed idly and meddling with her phone.

When she had seen his name on the screen, she had felt scared at first. All those years in B Country, she had known nothing about the despicable monster she was sleeping with. But setting her fear aside, she had a million questions she wanted to ask him.

She hesitated for a while before she dialed his number, trying her luck to see if he answered the phone. Even if Charles wanted to hurt her, he couldn't possibly do it through the phone.

"Sorry, the number you've dialed is no longer in use. Please check the number you have entered." An emotionless female voice came from the automated voice response system. Celine hung up, feeling disappointed. After a short while, the phone rang suddenly, and a strange foreign number appeared on the caller ID.

"Hello?" Celine nervously answered the call.

"It's me, Charles. I suppose you were trying to contact me?"

Charles' deep voice came from the other end of the line. Feeling a little grim after hearing his voice, Celine answered, "How did you know I was trying to contact you? Your phone number is not in use anymore."

"If you only called me to ask me stupid questions, I don't have time for you."

"No, I just wanted to know where you were."

"And why is that? Are you trying to find my location for Spencer so he can come and kill me?" Charles replied in a surprisingly calm voice.

"I called for me."

"Really? Why? Do you miss me?"

Celine could hear Charles sneering at her. She lost her temper and yelled, "In your dreams! I have a few questions for you."

"Then go ahead, ask me," Charles said coolly.

Celine bit her lip and asked, "Were you the one who kidnapped me?"

"Why? What do you think? It was your fate. We weren't planning on kidnapping you. You got there by accident. Who asked you to chase Fiona?" Charles snorted.

Celine's face turned red with anger, while her tone became more emotional. She roared, "If you kidnapped me accidentally, why weren't you letting me go? Besides, why did you send those two men to humiliate me?"

"Humiliate you?" Charles snapped. "You felt that it was humiliating? But I heard that you moaned loudly with pleasure that night..."

"You bastard!" Celine cursed him. She was starting to regret having called him at all.

"Celine, don't get so cocky now. You know it's really easy for me to kill you, right? Even Spencer can't help you," Charles threatened her in a cold voice.

Celine was trembling with fear, but she put on a brave front and said, "Don't threaten me! They're going to catch you sooner or later!"

"If they do, I'll take you down with me!" Charles retorted fiercely. "You think you're better than me? You just bought yourself a design award at that competition in B Country. You plagiarized Fiona's necklace design. Wait, do you think they've started manufacturing the necklace yet? Don't forget about the days we spent together! If I reveal even one of those secrets you've been hiding, you are doomed."

"Shut up! Not another word, Charles!" Celine yelled into her phone.

"Celine, try to work with me here. We can both get what we want," Charles said softly, as if he was trying to make peace.

"No way in hell! I'll never work with you!"


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