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Thanks for Giving Me Light novel Chapter 5

Joyce’s hand was injured. The doctor bandaged it and said it had been frostbitten for putting too long in cold water.

But Joyce Swift had basic medical knowledge, and she knew that her skin was torn, gnawed, so it was not frostbitten, but rather corroded!

Now, her hands were wrapped in thick gauze. She could not go to the massage parlor, so she stayed at home.

Dinner time, Roy was feeding Joyce slowly with a small bone china bowl.

Joyce was nervous because when Roy treated her well, punishment would come soon.

“Roy, I can do it myself.”

“No way. You have hurt your hand. As your fiancé, I should take care of you. "

“I am fine. I can totally take care of myself.”

Then Joyce raised his hand to try to take the bowl, but, the bowl fell on the table. The soup spilled Roy all over.

She panicked and put the bowl right. "I am sorry, I am sorry, I did not mean it."

Before she could finish, her jaw was gripped by a big hand, and the soup was poured into her mouth.

Joyce swallowed hard because she was almost out of the breath. Some of the soup went into her airway, choking her to tears.

Roy pretended not to see it. He clamped Joyce with one hand, took the soup from the servant, and continued to pour it in her mouth.

Joyce had just raised his hand. Roy spoke coldly. " Why don’t you listen to my word? You have already been blind, and you want to be disabled, too?”

He was clearly threatening her.

Joyce swift breathed with hands dropping helplessly. Then her tears fell, as if laughing at herself impotence.

Roy sneered, and as he continued to pour the soup, Nathan spoke in a cold voice. " Older Brother and sister-In-Law look delighted. Is this a role play? "

Roy looked at Nathan walking over and smiled softly. " Nathan, you do not understand, Joyce likes me to treat her this way. It is our joy."

Chapter 5: Corroded Hands 1

Chapter 5: Corroded Hands 2


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