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The Almighty Dragon General novel Chapter 7237

Back at the Forty-Ninth Heaven, the Goyoan Temple had been reduced to rubble.

Jamesʼ hair swayed lightly as nine beautiful swords circled him. He was also surrounded by a dense layer of Anonymous Gas.

Then, James flipped his palms over. In a flash, the nine swords around him shot up and merged above him. Eventually, a gigantic sword of black and white patterns glowing with a purplish-gold light was formed.

The sword hovered above James and rotated slowly. It emanated a subtle glow that gave off an indomitable aura.

James adjusted the flow of the Anonymous Gas in his body and opened his mouth. “Why hide yourself when youʼve gone through the trouble of coming here?”

After James said that, a ball of purplish-gold light came flying from afar and stopped somewhere in the distance.

It transformed into a man looking exactly like James but had purplish-gold eyes and red hair.

Unlike the real James, this man had an unsettling, evil aura. He radiated a terrifying amount of Waltraud Power.

The demonic James sat down facing the real James. He appeared completely at ease.

“Long time no see!” the demonic James said smilingly. “If you hadnʼt tried to fuse the Wuia Demon-Slayer Sword, I probably would not have been able to regain my freedom again. I have to thank you for that.”

James smiled faintly. “Is this something worth getting so pleased over? Youʼre no more than a sword spirit that belonged to the Waitara Path at the moment.”

“Iʼm not a sword spirit. Iʼm a soul spirit,” the demonic James replied unhurriedly, “The soul spirit is required for the awakening of my Soremsia. In fact, it is the most crucial part of the awakening.”

“Which soul spirit are you?” James asked.

The demonic James responded, “You got it wrong. Thereʼs only one soul spirit, and we are practically indestructible.

“You wonʼt be able to kill me. Only the Nine Caeloros Gods could do that if they exited the Xyrisia Gate and came after me themselves.

“Unfortunately, they couldnʼt. That is because Frona, the Soremsia belonging to the Nine Caeloros Godsʼ leader, is in the Haleth Realm. Therefore, they canʼt access the gate.”

James asked calmly, “Is that why youʼre being so cocky in front of me?”

“Hahaha!” The demonic James laughed. “Thatʼs not the only reason. Iʼve also taken the living beings hostage. That includes your friends and the two Hongrome Children.”

Chapter 7237 1

Chapter 7237 2

Chapter 7237 3


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