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The Alpha King's Regret: Hiding His Secret Twins novel Chapter 6

Kiara POV

After an hour, the door to my bedroom creaked open, and I glanced to see Eve, the doctor of the pack and Alejandro entering. I was about to get up from the bed, but as soon as I took a step, I again felt dizzy and found myself reaching for the bedside to support my trembling body. Eve and Alejandro were quick to reach me and make me lie down on the bed.

“This looks bad. I heard from Alejandro that you fainted. Are you okay?” Eve asked concern etched on her face as she took the medical briefcase from Alejandro and placed it beside the bed. I winced as she spoke. By now, I think the whole pack knows.

"I don't know, but it's been happening for quite a few days. I- I feel weak like my energy is draining, sometimes I desire to eat things which I don’t like at all and I think I’ve gained a little weight," I admitted, rubbing my throbbing head.

"You should have had yourself checked when it first started, Luna. You're too careless about your health," Eve scolded gently. As she pulls out the stethoscope from her medical bag and places it on my chest to hear my heart rate and lungs. Then she lightly grabbed my hand to check on my pulse with a critical eye.

"Please lie down comfortably on the bed," she instructed, and I complied, as she checked my abdomen. I feel a mix of discomfort and curiosity about what might be causing my condition.

"You’re quite careless to call yourself a student in medicine and herbs, Luna," Eve said lightly as she continued her examination. She put the device in her bag. But from her face, she didn’t look the least bit concerned, and her eyes shone with an odd sense of happiness that confused me.

I looked confused at her. I didn’t quite understand what she was talking about. Yes, I was a medical student before I married Killian, but I had to put it on hold because everything was so sudden and Alpha Eric wanted me to come to the pack sooner. So I decided to continue my studies here, but then I had to attend a meeting with Killian and look after the pack with him. I didn’t get a chance to complete it.

"I don’t understand Eve," I said.

"Didn’t your wolf tell you about this? I mean, she would be the first one to sense the changes in your body, Luna," she said, her brows knitting together. Okay, now my heart has started to beat like a gallop. Am I dying or what?

‘Erica, what is she talking about?’ I asked my wolf, who only slumped her head, not responding to me. And I started to get irritated by her referring to me as Luna; didn’t she come here last night to know that I’m not Luna now?

"Can’t we just skip the honorific because it’s now making me uncomfortable?" I said, and her frown deepened.

“Why, I’ll be punished if I don’t address you by your name. I don’t want Alpha to come to my head." She tried to lighten the aura, but it only deepened. I growled because yes, now everything around me started to be more stressful for me and my wolf, who was bound to a single thread so we both wouldn’t go crazy.

"What? Am I missing something? Did I say something wrong?" She asked as she looked at Alejandro.

"Kaira is not a Luna, now; that position was given to Rihanna last night."


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