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The Alpha King's Tribrid Mate novel Chapter 1

Nicolette was born 1336. She is 683 years old and an orphan. Her father is a hybrid between a werewolf and a vampire. His mate is her mother who is a pure-blood witch. So which makes Nicolette a half witch and the other half is a mix of vampire and werewolf. She like to be called Nicole.

When I say Canines, I'm referring to werewolves and when I say to fangs, I'm referring to vampires.



> Were&Vamp Orange


> Vamp&Witch Purple


> Were&Witch Green

When Nicolette brings out all three, her eyes will be Silver.

Werewolves are in packs.

Witches and Vampires are both in covens so you'll have to read around the word to figure out which one I'm talking about.

She has a wolf she can shift.

Witches has two types of ways they can do spells. Harder spells require saying them out loud. Sometimes simple spells you can just flick your arm.

Her powers are all heightened.













Heightened senses



Drinks from blood bags


When you bring two of her sides out.

Chapter one:

Nicolette's POV

I run swiftly on the forest floor. My heavy breathing was seen in the cool winter air. I felt the chill upon my skin as I kept running. I heard their paws on the ground. I heard their heaving breathing as they chased me.

I stopped running and watched them slowly. I examined their movements and lifted my hands at them. I mumbled a spell and they stopped moving. I heard their bones start to crack as I start to force them to shift back.

My eyes began to glow blue and they were fully shifted back on the ground. I heard them let out a growl.

"What the hell are you," the first one growled. I dropped my hands and let them free they ran at me trying to grab me. Take me. Test on me.

I grab both of their necks and slam them against two trees. They let out a gasp as they tried to take in air. I let my eyes glow orange as I push harder into the tree.

"I really hate to do this but I can't have anyone finding about me," I say. I drop one of them and break the first ones neck with my vampire strength and then swiftly break the other ones.

I let out a breath as both bodies fell limp to the ground. I always hated doing that but I can't let anyone find out about me. My power was drained and I felt worn out. My house was about a mile from here.

Chapter 1 1

Chapter 1 2

Chapter 1 3


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