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The Alpha novel Chapter 16

Scarlet's POV

The next day Isa comes up to accompany me down to the pack house for breakfast. When I enter the dining hall I see that it is set up like a buffet. Omegas go back and forth from the kitchen refilling the large trays of bacon, sausage, and scrambled eggs. They walk around the room, filling everyone's drinks and cleaning up empty dishes. My eyes scan the crowds of people gathered around several long tables. I don't see Ethan, nor either of his brothers. Ethan hadn't come home last night and I missed having him there beside me. After so many nights of feeling his warm body pressed against mine as I slept, I had grown accustomed to it.

"Isa!" a young male wolf calls out from his seat at one of the nearby tables as he waves a hand above his head. Isa smiles widely at him and grabs my arm, dragging me over to him. She plops down in the seat next to him and I do the same beside her.

"Hey baby bro! How's it going?" Isa asks him with a light punch to his bicep. He quickly swats her hand away.

"It's going. Who do you got with you today?"

"Oh! Scarlet! This is my brother Tyler. Tyler meet Scarlet," Isa says as she gestures between the two of us.

"Wait... how many of you are there?" I question, dumbfounded.

Isa and Tyler share a look with humor in their eyes before they both turn back to me. "Just the five of us. Ethan, Alex, and Xander are from Alpha Seth's first wife, Luna Lenore. She was his fated mate. About six months after she died, he took a chosen mate and had the two of us." My lips make an 'o' shape as I nod. I had never realized all of that. The only Kane siblings I ever heard anything about were the three eldest. I hadn't even known that Isa and Tyler existed.

"So, you're the illustrious Scarlet. The whole pack has been talking about you, wondering when they would finally see you. Some even rumored that you didn't exist," Tyler laughs as he pushes back so that the front legs of his chair leave the ground.

"Well... I can assure you I exist," I joke. Isa and Tyler chuckle and I scan the room again before placing a hand on Isa's arm to get her attention. "I'm going to get some food."

"Whoa. Hold on," Isa answers as she stops me from rising from my seat. Then she looks over her shoulder. "Omega!" she calls to a young she-wolf who looks to be about fourteen. Her mousy brown hair is pulled into a loose pony tail and she wears a simple dress with a dirty apron over it. Her hazel eyes widen when she walks over and sees me.

She drops into a small curtsy in front of me. "Luna," she greets before turning to Ethan's sister. "Miss Isa, what can I do for you?"

"The Luna and I would like something to eat," Isa states.

"Oh! Of course! What would you like for breakfast Luna?" she inquires, turning to me first.

"Umm... I don't mind getting it myself..."

"Oh no Luna! I'd be happy to get it for you!" the girl insists.

"Er... okay. Thank you uhh.... What's your name hun?"

The girl's eyes widen again in surprise. You would think that no one has ever asked her that before. "My name's Lilly, Miss."


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