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The Alpha’s Contract (Taylor West) novel Chapter 107



“It’s not negotiable!” I snarl at my brother. There was no way on this planet that I was going to send my mate to her own death.

“Dane, you brought me back here for this very reason!"

“There has to be another way!”

I was grateful that Raven had convinced Neah to go for a walk with her. She didn’t need to hear Jenson and I arguing. Because knowing her, she would probably agree to his insane idea.

“They will know, Jenson. They won’t be stupid enough to think that I’ve abandoned her. They will wait, they will know that some of us linger. They will know that I will not leave her unattended!”

“That’s precisely why it will work.”

If he wasn’t lying in a hospital bed, he would be feeling the full force of my fist.

‘You were the one who wanted to bring him back!’ Aero mutters

“Sometimes, the best plans are the most obvious.” Jenson sighs while refusing to look at me.

“Well find another fucking way!”

I drop into the chair next to his bed. I don’t know why, but I expected better from my brother. Surely he knew that I was not willing to play with Neahs life

“Just hear me out, will you?” He snaps back at me.

I wave a hand for him to continue knowing full well my answer would still be no.

“You can link her, right?” He asks


“She won’t be alone. We send her into the forest, while the pack picks the Lycans off.”

“No. I am not sending her anywhere alone!” We were going around in fucking circles, my patience is barely hanging on by a thread. Why couldn’t he get it into his head that this was not an option?


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