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The Alpha’s Contract (Taylor West) novel Chapter 117


It was amusing to hear her say it.

To finally announce who she was. Though I couldn’t tell if it was the growing pups giving her confidence or whether Roan genuinely annoyed her to make her snap at him. Either way, it didn’t matter.

“A Lycan Alpha?” Greg queries. “What the hell is a Lycan?” He looks around at the other men who all look equally confused. Except Roan.

Roan has his eyes are on my mate. And he looks at her in the same way Jenson used too. With a hunger to devour her.

‘He can try.’ Aero mutters

I keep my mouth closed much to Aero’s annoyance. I wanted to beat Roan into the ground, but for now, it could wait.

“I am a monster.” I see the dark smile on Neahs face. I notice how dark her eyes are too, barely a blue rim is present. She was letting Nyx hover near the surface.

“And you are running from your pack?” Roan questions my mate.

“As I have already explained to you, no, she isn’t” I cut in. I was expecting more questions about her being a Lycan.

He bobs his head, “So you are the reason humans are turning up with bite marks.” Roan rubs through the stubble on his chin.

“What are you talking about, Roan?” Greg asks

Before Roan gets a chance to answer, my mate snaps at him. “I am not biting anyone!”

I hold my hand up to Neah as I turn to Roan. “You’ve seen this?”


“You’ve seen them shift?”

“Now that is something I haven’t been privy to. When they started showing up in the city, we dealt with them before things got out of control.”

“Your pack is in the city?” Neah asks confused

“Next city over. Ashburn City” Roan mutters like he expected her to know where that is. “My pack are more urban than you lot in Black Shadow.”

I roll my eyes at him. What worked for him didn’t work for everybody.

“When you say…you deal with them, you mean?” Neah asks quietly and I see how the black fades and her eyes return to the usual blue.

“We kill them.”

“You didn’t think to tell me, Roan?” Greg snaps at him

“You are not anywhere near the situation. You married and became an Alpha elsewhere. Hundreds of miles away. We may be brothers, but we haven’t been close in over a decade.”


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