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The Alpha’s Contract (Taylor West) novel Chapter 130


“Shit! Dane, can you hear me? Wake the fuck up!” I hear my brother's voice, it sounds desperate and so far away.



“For fuck sake shut up!” I open my eyes, to find myself hanging upside down. Blood dripped down my arms and face as I try to make sense of what happened.

‘What the fuck happened?’ Aero asks, coming too.

I don’t answer as I try to get my bearings.

The car is on it’s roof, the windscreen shattered. Broken glass sits below my head. A sharp pain radiates from my chest making it hard to breathe. I could smell the fuel leaking from the car, it would be seconds before this whole thing went up in flames.

“Shit!” Jenson mutters. He is fighting against the dashboard that was crushed against him. Forcing it back a centimetre at a time with his hands. If we were human, we would already be dead.

Reaching down to release the belt, I feel it. The chuck of glass sticking out of my chest, close to my heart. For all I know it could be piercing the very organ that keeps me alive. Of all the ways I thought I would die, it wasn’t like this.

“Jenson, look at me.”

“Hold on, I’m nearly free.”


He stops punching the dash to look at me. The cuts on his face from the glass were already healing. I see the terror in his eyes as he takes in the large piece of glass sticking out of me. The same thought runs through his head as what ran through mine.

“No….no,no,no, this is not fucking happening. You are having kids! You can’t leave Neah. She needs you. We all need you.”

“Jenson, you know as well as I do, that the pack will already know something is wrong. That’s why you didn’t want to look at me, you could already feel that I was in trouble. Neah will feel it too.”

‘Dane,’ Raven’s voice screams through my head. ‘What happened?’

‘Car accident.’ I half chuckle back. ‘Some asshole came out of nowhere.’

‘But you are okay, right? Please tell me you are okay!’

I look at the piece of glass sticking out of my chest. My eyes go to Jenson as he uses one foot to stomp the dash back off his other leg.


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