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The Alpha’s Contract (Taylor West) novel Chapter 141

“By this Damien guy?”


“After what she did to me?”

“What she did was horrendous, I am not disputing that. And I am thankful that she didn’t kill you. But just like you are haunted by your parents death, she is haunted by what she did to you.”

“Good!” I lie back and stare up at the ceiling. “She deserves to be haunted.”

He doesn’t respond and finishes his shower as I lay in silence. Eventually, he climbs into bed, pulling me in against him. “I am not asking you to forgive her. I am not asking you to become friends with her.”

“I don’t understand why she is here.” I mutter, fighting the tears

“She didn’t have to help me find Jess, but she did anyway. If it wasn’t for her. Jess would likely not be here.”

“That doesn’t answer my question.”

He rests his hands on my stomach and exhales. “I don’t have an answer right now. Or at least I don’t have anything to say that will make you feel better.”

Sitting up, I stare at him, “You always have an answer.”

He doesn’t speak. In the darkness, I watch his chest rise and fall. It wasn’t like him. He always had an answer and that unsettled me as much as Mallory being here.


At the breakfast table, I sit my face in my hands. I felt like crap.

“Come on.” Klaus speaks softly to me. “You are nearly done.” He taps the book in front of me.

“Sorry,” I mutter.

“Dane said you weren’t feeling your best this morning.” He offers a smile.

“No one warned me about this side of pregnancy. And I’m so fed up of fucking ginger biscuits!”

He grins and taps the book again. “Try to focus on this.”

I read a few more sentences and look up at him. “Has he said anything to you?”

“About Mallory? No.”

“But he’s with her now.” I glance to the window

“He said he is showing her around.”


“I didn’t get a chance to ask. But I assume it’s so she knows where everything is.”


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