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The Alpha’s Contract (Taylor West) novel Chapter 144


Curled up in my arms, Neah rests her cheek on my chest as my fingers trail down her back. The smell of our sex still hovers in the room.

No matter how we argued, she couldn’t resist it when I started paying attention to the mark on her neck.

For a brief moment, her mind is silent. It felt like it had been forever since her mind had not moved a million miles a second. Over thinking, over analysing.

I feel her eyelashes flutter against my chest as her arms squeeze me. For a second, I thought she had fallen asleep.

“When will you kill Roan?” She asks quietly

“Soon. He will stand trial once we have finished torturing him.”

My hand moves down to her stomach, there is already a small curve to it. Easily visible due to how slim my mate is.

Tipping her head back, she kisses me and repositions my hand so it is cupping her pussy. Her kiss deepens as my finger dips between her folds, feeling how wet she still is.

Pressing my thumb against her clit, her hips buck against my hand. A small moan comes from deep inside her as my fingers work quicker.

Her back arches just as someone knocks on the door. Neah lets out a little squeal and immediately freezes, pulling the blankets up around her.

Keeping my hand in place, I slow my fingers down, teasing her clit. She glares at me as I tell whoever is at the door that I’m busy.

Neah tries to hold still, afraid to be caught. She lets out a few quiet moans as I roughly force two fingers in her. As I slide them in and out, she grabs my hand, trying to hold me in place. Frantically shaking her head at me.

“Dane, there is a man here. He says he knows you!” The deep voice comes from the other side of the door as I watch my mate silently fight an orgasm.

“Did he give you a name?” I call back as I knead my mates hardened nipples.

“He says his name is Damien.”

Neah arches her back, her hips rocking against my hand as she grabs my lengthening dick. She bites down on her bottom lip, squeezing her eyes shut.

“Keep him at the entrance. I will be there shortly.”


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