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The Alpha’s Contract (Taylor West) novel Chapter 151


Repositioning myself in front of the bedroom door after checking on Neah, I see that Raven is long gone.

I shouldn’t have kissed her. She may have tasted amazing, but I shouldn’t have let myself go like that. I couldn’t bring myself to reject her, not yet. Maybe I didn’t want to, not truly. Though she will come to hate me eventually.

Mallory creeps up the stairs towards me. Her lips pressed into a thin line that gradually crept up into a smile as she makes her way towards me. “Do you think she will speak to me if you are here?” She asks hopefully, glancing at the door.

"Mallory, we have been over this."

"Damien, I have to try."

“Nothing has changed.” I mutter. I wanted Neah to listen to Mallory, but it had to be on her terms. I had already learned that about her. “And she is definitely not in the mood right now. If you go in there, she will probably kill you on the spot.”

“Oh,” She leans against the wall next to me. “How am I supposed to get her to listen to me?”

“You don’t. You keep your head down. You do everything that is asked of you. You be respectful to everyone here. And then, just maybe, she will see that you are trying and be willing to speak to you, but for now, she is pregnant and if she feels a threat, it will be game over for you.”

She sighs.

“I have told you it won’t be easy. I thought you had trust issues, but the Alphas ability to trust is on a whole different level.”

She frowns at me. “She trusts you.”

“No she doesn’t.”

“Then why are you guarding her?”

“To show her that I mean what I say.”

Mallory rolls her eyes at me. We both had a very different belief system. She expected everyone to accept her as she is. Whereas I had always had to work for it. Human or not.


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