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The Alpha’s Contract (Taylor West) novel Chapter 153


They ignore me and shift anyway. Though Dane continues to glare at me. There would be questions, but those can be dealt with later.

They keep up with me for all of a few minutes. They were fast but I was quicker, gliding through the trees with ease.

Tearing through the forest. I follow his scent. Hopeful, when hints of strawberries pass through. It meant he hadn’t dumped her and hidden her anywhere like he usually would. This was a game to him, a game he was going to lose.

The canopy of the trees thickens and makes the forest dark even though the sun was high in the sky. He could hide anywhere here and the Wolves would be none the wiser. Hidden in the shadows, waiting and watching, choosing his perfect moment like he was hunting his prey.

“I know you are here.” I call out. “I smell you and her.”

He doesn’t respond. I wasn’t expecting him to. Because this was exactly the way he worked. Silent and watching. Choosing his moment as though his life depended on it. And today, it might just. Could I finally kill my brother?

“Why her?” I call out into the dark forest. “Because she is my mate? Is this what this is, payback for killing the others. Pretty pathetic!”

More silence, which means he is watching me. Trying to decide if he should reveal his exact location. Part of the fun was your victim never knowing where you are.

“Have you hurt her?” I demand and I’m met with the sounds of the forest. Creatures carrying out their work, oblivious to the fight that is about to happen. I couldn’t smell any blood but that does not mean he hadn’t done something else to her.

“She doesn’t deserve this.” I speak to the trees. “She has done nothing wrong.”

My eyes move between the shadows, looking for something that is out of place. But just like the hospital, everything looked untouched. He blended in well, a little too well.

A whimper drags my attention behind me. By the time I lunge forward, they were gone. Disappearing further into the forest.

He would punish her for making his presence known.

“Stop this shit, little brother!” I growl

“We haven’t been brothers for a long time! I could just snap her pretty little neck.” His voice rattles from somewhere in front of me. “But that would be no fun.”

I charge forward again and a laugh echoes above me.

Looking up. I see him at least twenty feet up in a tree. Raven dangles from his claws like a doll. Her eyes are closed and thankfully, she doesn’t look injured, just sleeping.

“What did you do to her?”

“Just a little nitrous oxide.” A garbled laugh comes from him. “Remember Damien, you used that on me once when you thought I was becoming a risk. I never forgot. It’s amazing what people leave laying around.”

“You mean you killed for it!”


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