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The Alpha’s Contract (Taylor West) novel Chapter 174

She sucks her bottom lip between her teeth as her eyes narrow. “You could have easily killed him. But you didn’t, you even purposely missed his heart after he had hurt Raven.”

“And that was an emotional mistake.”

“Because a part of you hoped that your old brother was still in there?”

I don’t answer because I don’t need to. There was nothing more for me to say on the matter. I decide to change the topic. “Why don’t you want me to call you Alpha?”

“It’s not just you, I don’t like anyone calling me it.”

“But you use the term when needed, like when you were squaring up to Salem. And I heard that you used it to get the other Lycans to stop attacking Black Shadow.”

A small crease appears on her brow. “I was made to call people by their status my whole life. If I didn’t, I got punished. Even with Dane I still said it for a long time. It’s not something that I want to force people to call me. It makes me sound….”

“More powerful than the rest of us? Because we all know you are.”

Her eyes flicker up to me. “It makes me sound like a power pissed asshole.”

Her comment makes me laugh.

“Dane did tell me that you took some time to accept your Alpha position. Maybe it’s time for you to take back everything that was taken from you.”

She lets out an involuntary snort

“Is that it, Damien? Is that why you are really here? To try and convince me to be something I’m not.”

“No. I can’t convince you of something you have already been questioning. And I don’t need to convince you that you are powerful. You already know that.”

“I haven’t been questioning it.”

“Right.” I mutter, knowing full well that she had. I saw it in the way she acted. Her desire to correct what is wrong.

“Let’s test this theory of yours.” she mutters. “How exactly am I supposed to be an Alpha of two bitten Lycans and a Rogue?”


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