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The Alpha’s Contract (Taylor West) novel Chapter 180

The constant warnings. Telling me he is dark, that I should be scared of him. That I will one day hate him. How he talks about Neah changing.

I let go of him. “You think you will be dragged back to that life?”

I hold my breath, waiting for his answer.

“I used to. Everyday was a fight.”

“You don’t anymore?” I ask in a whispered tone.

“Not since you.”

I feel my heart skip a beat. The only other person that said something was because of me, was Salem. He had wanted a blood bond. To align himself with my pack. Only he wasn’t a Wolf. How would that have worked? I mean I knew Lycans could blood tie themselves to each other, because of Neah and her first mate. But between a Wolf and a Lycan? Was that even possible?

I let go of Dane, shuffling myself off the bed and holding on to the dresser to keep myself upright.

“Really? You are thinking about my brother now?” He mutters, having read my mind

“He wanted a blood bond. We were supposed to have completed it but then… then he found out about Dane.” I shake my head. “I would have had to bow to Trey and Cassandra. They really fucked things up for us all.”

“Then you had a lucky escape and for that, I am extremely grateful.”

I see the lustrous look in his eyes. The desire to prove that I’m his and his alone.

“And let me remind you why.”

His lips graze mine as his hands grip my waist. He lifts me up onto the dresser, nuzzling in against my neck as he positions himself between my thighs.

“You smell so good.” He murmurs against my skin before nipping me, “But you will have to wait.”

“For what?” I gasp in annoyance.

Less than a second later, there is a thundering knock on the door and I catch my brother's scent. His timing was absolutely shite.

“I know you are in there Damien!”

Damien gives me another quick kiss and moves to the door, letting in Dane. “How can I help?” Damien muses, looking back at me as I desperately clamp my thighs together, waiting for my arousal to disappear.


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