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The Alpha’s Contract (Taylor West) novel Chapter 188


Two weeks he had been gone and it was absolute torture. He wasn’t dead, I knew that. If he were, I would have felt it and Salem would likely have returned.

It must mean he is chasing Salem. He had to be. There had been no sign of Salem here, though most nights, me and Mallory bunked together, just in case.

Eric was a mess and rightly so. Klaus had sort of stepped into his role, helping my brother in any way he could while Eric spent his days at his parents house, grieving.

And thankfully without Salem's presence, Neah was calm…. to an extent. She cried the other day because she cracked an egg. An egg she wanted to crack so she could cook it. I had to leave the kitchen before I burst into laughter. Damien could shoot me if I was that bad when I eventually got to carry his pups. One day! I sigh.

“Please come back to me.”

‘He will.’ Midnight mutters. ‘He has too.’

I drop my empty cereal bowl into the sink and lean forward, looking at the Wolves carrying on like nothing had happened.

Less than two days of no problems and Dane had them back to duty, it didn’t sit right with me. One, we didn't know for sure where Salem was. And two, there were alot of people grieving over Eric’s boys but Dane insisted normality would help. What part of kids being killed was normal?

I had tried to argue with him. Asked him if we should expect him back to duty if something happened to his twins. He hadn't answered, but I could see the fury in his eyes.

‘He’s just trying to keep the pack occupied.’

“I know.” I mutter back to Midnight. “I know. It doesn’t mean it has to sit right with me.”

I touch the mark on my neck, Damien hadn’t even linked me or anything. Not a single whisper of his voice. Maybe he thought it was best this way. To keep me in the dark until there was something to tell me. Maybe I would be a distraction.

“He will be okay.” Mallory interrupts my thoughts as she bursts into the kitchen. She had told me the same thing, multiple times a day for the last two weeks. It didn’t make it any easier to hear.


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