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The Alpha’s Contract (Taylor West) novel Chapter 192


Every single day I sat and waited. Thirty days and still nothing. Complete radio silence. Not a single link, nothing, but he was still alive.

I lean back against the stairs, letting it dig into my back as I close my eyes trying to force a line between us to open.

“Why won’t it work?!” I snap at midnight. My sanity was holding on by a thread.

‘You know why.’ She mutters back, just as frustrated.

“Well that’s a fucking stupid reason.” I shouldn’t have to mark him to be able to link him. He had already claimed me.

She nods her head in agreement. It doesn’t make me feel any better. In fact, it was just a reminder of how different we are. A Lycan and a Wolf. I’m sure my parents must be turning in their grave. Three children, all mated to Lycans. Even worse, I had been mated to two.

‘I wish they were still here to see how you had turned out.’ Midnight whispers softly. ‘I’m sure they would be pleased.’

I knew mum would. She was the reason I became a pack doctor.

I sigh and push myself up, pleased when my leg doesn’t cramp. It was getting there, but still had a long way to go. I still walked with a limp, and the pain wasn’t constant. Maybe I would be walking properly by the time Damien got home.

Just as I’m on my feet, Eric tumbles in through the front door. A bottle of half drunk whisky hanging from his hand. The liquid swirls as he struggles to stay upright. He frowns as some sloshes onto the floor.

He had started drinking a couple of weeks ago and even his parents were at a loss of what to do. They were grieving for their grandchildren and now it seemed like they were grieving for their son too.

Dane had tried talking to him along with most of the pack members but his grief was heavy and he just couldn’t see a way through it. I wondered how his ex was coping. I knew she left a while ago and I half expected her to turn up, but nothing. Almost like she didn't care.

I never understood how a mother could leave her children behind while she runs off.

“Hey Eric.” I mutter, limping to him. When I grab the bottle, he lets me take it. Which was progress in itself.

“Where is he?” He slurs, wobbling and falling back against the door frame

“Who are you looking for Eric?”

“Big bro….” he laughs to himself, his body slipping down the door frame until he hits the floor with a thud. His chin drops to his chest and in seconds, snores vibrate through the foyer as drool creeps out the corner of his lips.


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