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The Alpha’s Contract (Taylor West) novel Chapter 195

“Fuck it!” My foot hits the pedal and I pull away, hoping that I was making the right decision for the kid.

It takes almost a week to get back to Black Shadow. Each night I stopped in a hotel to make sure we both got a decent night’s sleep and to feed us both. Not once did she ever ask for food and my guess is that they starved her or only fed her on their terms. So she had learned to wait, to ignore the hunger growls in her empty belly.

The first day, she ate like a dog, lapping up the food with her mouth. She didn’t know how to hold a cup without spilling and she definitely didn’t know how to use a knife and fork. She had been their pet, and from the age tag in her dress that said 2-3yrs, she had most likely been the bar's pet for years.

Dorothy was so excited when I picked her up some clothes, but didn’t seem to understand what I was saying when I said she could change every day. She kept insisting that a pink dress was her favourite and that she would wear it all the time. So I just bought more, so she could wear a fresh one every day.

She was even more excited by a teddy bear that one of the hotel staff gave her and carried it around everywhere with her.

How could people be such assholes? To have the desire to lock up a kid was sick.

Driving up towards Black Shadow, I’m stopped by a couple of Wolves. Smiles etched on their faces as they see that it’s me. “Is he dead?” One asks

“Not yet.” I glance at a sleeping Dorothy and the guy nods in understanding, waving me through.

Parking in front of the pack house, I could already hear Raven shouting at the top of her voice about something before I even got out of the car. She was pissed about something. And probably just as angry with me as I hadn’t spoken to her since I left.

Walking around the car. I lift a sleepy Dorothy from the passenger seat. She peers at me with one eye. “Are we there yet?”

It had been her favourite question to ask, multiple times a day.

“We are.”

She straightens her spin, widening her bright green eyes as she looks at the massive house.

“Home?” she mumbles

“Home.” Technically, it wasn’t for me to decide, but I knew Neah wouldn’t kick her out. Especially when she learns where Dorothy came from.

Pushing the door open, I’m met with Eric, Raven and Dane, all glaring at one another.

Danes' crimson eyes settle on me first as Raven slowly turns around to look at me. Her emotions flood through her as she stares at me. “Your….you’re….you are here.” She mutters breathlessly, her hands clasped to her chest.

Her dark eyes move to Dorothy and she frowns for a second before her face softens. Most likely when she realised that Dorothy is a wolf.

“This is Raven.” I tell the kid, “The one I told you about.”

“Your girlfriend?” Dorothy smiles as she stares back at my mate.

“Yes. And this is Dane. He is the one in charge.”


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