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The Alpha’s Contract (Taylor West) novel Chapter 204

She’s speechless as I raise the shower head back up. I grab the shower gel, massaging it into her body as she leans back against my chest.

She still hadn’t spoken by the time I washed her hair for her and I was beginning to wonder if I had broken her.


“Yeah?” Her voice is more high pitched than usual and I fight the laugh that was bubbling in my throat. She was still riding high.

It’s a good thirty minutes before she seems more herself. Her dark eyes flicker to mine and then down at the outfit she was wearing. A blue tee with matching blue jeans. I was surprised she even managed to dress herself as she seemed lost in her trance.

“What did you do to me?”

“Gave you what you wanted.” I smirk at her. “I think you were in some sort of mid heat because I had been away for so long.” I mutter

“Right.” She makes her way to the closet, pulling out a pair of combat boots and slowly laces them up

She stands up, staring at me with a smile, “No one has ever done that to me.”


We are almost done in the city. Raven had spent so much of my money making sure Dottie was kitted out with everything she needed for what seemed like the next ten years of her life.

We are just loading everything in the car when she freezes. I know why, I caught his scent too.

When I look up, she is standing, staring past me, all colour drained from her skin, almost like she had seen a ghost.

Turning, I follow her gaze to Jenson. He isn’t looking this way, not at first and is busy talking on a phone to someone.

Seconds pass and his eyes lock on to us. I watch his lips move into the word ‘shit!’

He quickly pockets the phone and turns on his heel.

“What is he doing?” Raven mutters as he runs away. “I thought he would be happy to see me at least.”


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