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The Alpha’s Contract (Taylor West) novel Chapter 206


“Are you done? Because right now, you are acting like a child, not like the man I have grown to know. So what if you were seen.” I pour myself another glass of wine. Watching Jenson fidget. If he was always like this, I could see why his brother grew tired of him.

I could put up with it for how good he is in bed. He certainly knows how to satisfy my needs, unlike so many other men.

He moves to the balcony, peering out between the curtains.

“Trust me, I would know if we were followed. My best guess is that he has probably run back to the pack to tell that big brother of yours that he saw you.”

“What if he saw you? Are you not bothered?”

“Oh he did.” I shrug my shoulders unphased. He really was getting his balls in a twist over this.

His head flips back over his shoulders. Those dark eyes wide as he stares at me. “What are you talking about?”

“He was watching you tell me that he had seen you. Moments before I told you to get in my car.”

“You didn’t do anything.”

“I didn’t think he was the target. Didn’t you want to protect that precious sister of yours?”

“Does he know what you are?” He asks me carefully, ignoring my question. His ideas were starting to shift a little.

“Depends. Is he able to separate the scent of Lycans and Wolves?”

He nods at me. His hair falling down into his eyes. He quickly brushes it out the way. He really did need a haircut. New clothes too. Maybe I could shape him into my right hand man. But not while he walks around looking like a homeless bum. i needed to sort that out.

“Then he knows.”

“That’s not a good thing.” Jenson looks alarmed.

“Chill the fuck out.” I snap. “They don’t know who I am and they won’t until it's too late.”

“They will work it out.”

“Fat chance.” I take another swig of wine and hold my glass out for him to refill.

He takes the glass and I watch his body language change. His shoulders are pulled up. His jaw gritted as his cheek pulsates.

“Is there something else that you should have told me, Jenson? You know I appreciate all the information.”


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