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The Alpha’s Contract (Taylor West) novel Chapter 214


“Breathe.” Raven mutters

“I’m not dead am I” I snap “So I’m obviously breathing!” I stop in my tracks, realising how much of an ass I sounded.

Looking over my shoulder, I see the hurt in her eyes. She was just trying to help.

The darkness had a grip so tight on my heart that it was making it hard to think about those around me, unless it was my sons.

“I’m sorry.” I mutter. Hoping she knew that I did truly mean my apology

“It’s happening isn’t it? You are slipping.”

“I… I’m trying not to.”

My eyes drift down to my fingers as I carefully feel over the tips. The growing claws had felt so bad and so good at the same time. Like a release of built up pressure. Is that how Salem felt?

“You need to talk about it. Remember what Mallory said, you need to look at the bigger picture to see that there is more than what is happening in the moment. To make it all make sense.”

I roll my eyes. Mallory and her theories. Though I have to admit, they were helping a little, even if I still didn’t trust her.

“So tell me again what miss lookalike said.”


She cocks a brow and folds her arms. “She told me we share the same father.” I repeat again.

“But you don’t believe that?”

“I believed Devon more than her. And look how that ended.”

“Bigger picture.” She mutters

“No, I don't believe it. I couldn’t feel her, I couldn’t sense her other than knowing what she is. It’s hard to explain."

“Try.” She smiles at me

“With Jess, I could feel her presence. The same with Damien and…. Mallory. With the other bitten ones. I could feel their fear when they realised they couldn’t fight me and my orders. There was even a tiny bit of recognition from Salem, but her, there is nothing. She looked at me with those big brown puppy eyes but do you know what she reminded me of?”

Raven shakes her head. “The way Trey used to look at me. It wasn’t even hate, it was more than that. It was like I was something he stood in and scraped off on the grass. And that’s exactly what I felt when she looked at me.”


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