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The Alpha’s Contract (Taylor West) novel Chapter 216


“Where have you been?” Jenson demands as I saunter in to my own apartment. “I thought you would be home hours ago.”

“I didn’t realise you were my husband!” I snap in annoyance.

I was already in a bad mood because the prick I had been chasing the last couple of days had managed to get away, again.

He rolls his eyes at me as I take off my jacket and hang it by the door. “And I’m trying to do you another favour by getting rid of him so he doesn’t ruin our fun. Isn’t that what you want?”

The Rogue was hanging around and I didn’t want it anywhere near Black Shadow. It would just cause an unnecessary problem.

I wanted all attention on me.

Jenson purses his lips, a crease forming between his brows.

“I’m doing this for us. Killing Lycans, Wolves and others isn’t a new hobby of mine, Jenson. I’ve been doing it since I was a teenager and this Rogue is not the first I have come across. Though he does seem to be smarter than the others.” I frown, pulling the knives and gun out of my waist band and dropping them on the coffee table.

His face relaxes a little and I press my lips to his. I had never let a man worm his way into my heart like he has. It was almost endearing.

His dark eyes move to my weapons. He was looking for blood, but they were still just as shiny as they were when I left hours ago. “He’s still alive?”

“For now. The fucker knows exactly what he’s doing. I should just let him carry on. He’s certainly gunning for someone in Black Shadow. But he will just kill them, he won’t tear them apart and destroy them first.”


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