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The Alpha’s Contract (Taylor West) novel Chapter 4


She looked like a deer caught in headlights as I write her size down. She was tinier than I thought. Skin and bone. If I had moved my hands up any higher, I would have felt every rib sticking out. It sickened me, she should be strong, powerful, she had Alpha blood running through her veins.

I also saw how she scrunched her face up when I measured her. It wasn’t fear, it was pain. She was hiding something underneath the baggy maids dress.

“I know you want to say something, so just say it. I’m not interested in the crap Trey drummed into you. You don’t have to wait until someone asks you a question. You are free to say what you want. Are you injured?"


She was lying, I could feel it.

She shakes her head as if it would confirm her answer and a lock of her black hair falls from the band that was supposed to be holding it back.

Neah was going to be a tough girl to crack. A life of being starved had made her quite protective over herself. I will make Trey pay for what he has done to her.

“You have to say something, Neah. I cannot read your mind. When I mark you, at least I will know what you are feeling.”

“Mark me?”

I didn’t think her eyes could get any wider.

“Yes, I will mark you.”

She was completely and utterly shocked by the idea. Her pink lips part a little as she continues to stare at me.

I thought she knew. I thought that was why she came so willingly. My Beta had kept asking me if I was certain I wanted her as my bride. There was no doubt about it, she had a strange scent but something was luring me to her. I couldn’t take my eyes off of her when I first saw her. My Wolf Aero was going mad for her too. Though he hadn’t said a word about her. Annoyed with me for not taking her home with us yesterday.

“You….You brought me so that you could mark me.” She takes a step back, walking into the kitchen island. She winces a little and quickly covers up her pain, relaxing her face..

“If Trey had bothered reading the contract, he would have discovered that you are to be my bride, not a slave. He would also have read that if he or his ridiculously stupid mate tried doing anything to you going forward, that pack would become mine, or rather, yours. I never bought you, Neah, you were always destined to be mine.”

“I’m a murderer.” She gasps. “Why would someone like you want me for a bride?”

‘Blood’ Aero growls interrupting my thoughts.

I glance down at her baggy dress. A blood stain had appeared right where I had my hands wrapped around her.

“What’s that? Are you injured?” I demand, I had barely touched her.

She covers the stain with her hand. “It’s nothing. It’s just a cut that I keep knocking and it opens up again. I forget it’s there.”

Forget? How could she forget a wound?

‘Why isn’t she healing?’ I feel Aero’s panic. ‘She’s been with us less than two hours and already she has some form of injury.’ His need to protect her was strong.

It hadn’t occurred to me that her lack of abilities included not being able to heal. I would have to find someone who could reverse the binding and soon.

“Show me!”

“It’s fine.” She mumbles

I was already so sick of hearing that phrase.

“It’s not optional.” I mutter. “If you won’t show me, I will have to find a way to look, myself.”

Her heart skips a beat. She looks around the kitchen. “Can.... can we go somewhere more private?”

“Private?” I didn’t really do privacy. What Wolf did?!

She bobs her head but still keeps her focus slightly off of me. Almost afraid to look me directly in the eyes.

‘Office,’ Aero mutters.


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