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The Alpha’s Contract (Taylor West) novel Chapter 42


His hands grip my thin waist as his crimson eyes search mine. “Are you sure this is what you want?”

I nod my head.

“Neah, I need you to say yes or no.”

I feel the lump building in my throat. My stomach was tying itself up in knots. Was this really what I wanted?

“Will it hurt?” I whisper. I knew he needed to bite my neck. I knew he needed to sink his canines as deep as they can go. I knew he needed to taste my blood and to leave his Wolf venom in its place, permanently connecting us. There was a catch though, to confirm the bond, we had to have sex.

“A little.” He tells me

“Wh…what will happen to me?”

“Immediately? Nothing other than feeling satisfied. Within forty eight hours you will go into heat. Are you prepared for that?”

“You mean, I will want sex?” I whisper

“Want it, need it, become desperate for it.”

“I don’t have my….monster.”

“Doesn’t matter, it’s what happens to a female when marked by a male Wolf. If you were human, it would still happen.”

He cups my face with a large hand. “I promise, I will be gentle, the first time. So is it a yes or a no?”


His lips hit mine with force as he pulls me in against him, holding me flush against his body. His lips quickly move down over my neck. Once again little bolts of electricity shoot through me in the exact spots his lips have touched. He pauses just above my collarbone, his teeth rake across my skin, searching for the perfect spot.

His tongue flicks over my skin and as his teeth begin embedding themselves, I let out a little whimper.

Alpha Dane holds me in place as his teeth sink a little deeper. A few seconds pass and he starts to suck. I could the warmth of my own blood run down over my skin.


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