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The Alpha’s Contract (Taylor West) novel Chapter 66


She scowls at me. “Is that…. Is that even a possibility?”

“Right now, it seems like anything is.”

“Because I’m a monster?”

“You need to stop calling yourself that.”

She rolls on her back, staring up at the ceiling. Sighing, she rests her hands on her flat stomach.

“They will all react like that.” She mumbles, puffing out her cheeks. “You…you are the only one that doesn’t seem……”

“I’m not bothered by what you are. All I care about is that you are mine and why are you still insisting on wearing clothes to bed?” I pull her in against me. She lets out a little gasp as my hand goes up under her oversized tshirt and grazes her lower back.

Unexpectedly, she pushes me away.

“I can’t.” she whispers and tugs the tshirt back down over her hips.

She was fighting hard to try and not think of something. Trying to keep her mind clear so I wouldn’t know what the problem is.

Pinning her to the bed, I drop my weight on top of her. “What’s wrong?”

“You’re….crushing my…..lungs.”

I ease my weight off of her just a little. But not enough that she can escape from under me.

“Are you still feeling a little tender?”

She closes her eyes.

“And you are embarrassed?” I drive a leg between hers, forcing her thighs apart.

Her head shakes a tiny bit, “Uncomfortable.” she whispers

Kissing the mark on her neck, I tell her I will let her be, just for tonight. Only then, does she relax. She drops off to sleep before I do, curled up into my side.

‘We need to stop Trey and Cassandra.’ Aero mumbles. ‘They almost caused a war in the neutral zone.’

‘I know.’


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