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The Alpha’s Contract (Taylor West) novel Chapter 68


‘What are we going to do?’ Aero demands

‘I need to speak to my Beta.’

‘This is bad. We need to gain control over this, right now.’

My hand hammers against Eric’s door.

“Woah, woah, woah!” He snaps, pulling open the door, before he even has a chance to see me. “Are you trying to wake my kids?” He freezes when he realises its me. “What’s wrong?”


“Shit, he told you. Look I just needed someone to vent too. And I know you’ve had….”

“That’s not the issue. Whatever weird thing you have going on with him, is up to you, I’m not worried about that. They can create more.”

He rubs the sleep from his eyes. “What?”

“They can create more Lycans.”

“Well, it would make sense, the same as us creating more Wolves.”

“Eric.” He was missing what I was saying

“Shit.” He mutters, finally understanding. “Are you serious? I mean, the information has come from Devon.”

“He said it was like an unspoken rule that they were not allowed to do it. Trey would have likely kept it in place purely to keep the pack a secret. If the pack were any bigger, they would have been more noticeable.”

I go over everything Devon had told me, including them not being able to track Neah unless they were close by.

“Do you think they were looking for recruits?” He asks

“The city doesn’t just have Wolves. A lot of humans work there, unsuspecting of our kind. So yes, it's a possibility."

"We should have researched them more."

"We weren't to know. They smelt like Wolves, they acted like Wolves. It' was as simple as that. However, the contract they wanted was never about needing support or Neah. I believe they are looking for a way to tear me down. And it all started with the very thing I’ve created.”

“They wouldn’t be the first, Dane. There have been plenty over the years including your own brides that have tried to get out of your contracts or ones that were just doing it to gain information. Now if Treya and the rest were to turn a load of people, we both know that we still have the numbers. And they are the most skilled fighters. Your brother made sure of that.”


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