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The Alpha’s Contract (Taylor West) novel Chapter 8


I could see it in her eyes. She was just as confused as I was, if not more. She walks next to me, almost jogging to keep pace with me as we head back to the house. Her eyes remain low, focussing on her feet as we moved.

“Take a seat.” I tell her as I walk her into the office. She doesn’t hesitate like she did at Moonshine and takes one of the empty chairs. She sits with her legs clamped together. The sleeves of her top pulled down over her hands. Her face turned down in submission.


Her back straightens as I say her name and her heart starts to race. The last time it did that, she almost passed out.

“I swear I don’t know. If I did, I would tell you.” The words tumble from her mouth as though she is fighting for her life. She speaks as though those words were what would keep her alive. Something I hadn’t felt in years flooded my veins and that was guilt. She shouldn’t feel like that, not around me.

‘You are upsetting her!’ Aero growls

“I shouldn’t have shouted at you.” I murmur, sitting on my desk. “You didn’t deserve that.” I pause, frustrated over the other thing she told me. “You stole food?”

“I had too.” she whispers.

The more I find out about that pack and what they did to you, the more I hate them. When the time comes, the entire lot of them will be killed.

‘Finally something we can agree on.’ Aero murmurs

Neah’s eyes flash up to me and she bites on her bottom lip. I will eradicate her entire past.

Contracts were simple. Every single contract I had drawn up, always favoured me. The other side were always too far up their own asses to bother to read it or negotiate and they always lost out. And this time, it would be Trey and his pathetic pack that would lose everything.

“Tell me about Cassandra.” I speak softly, aware that my Alpha tone puts her on edge.

There was a flicker of rage across her face. It goes as quickly as it comes. I had seen it before, when the stupid bitch had called my bride a rat.

“What do you want to know?”

“Everything and no lies. How long has she been with Trey?”

She shrugs her shoulders. “She has been around for as long as I can remember. Trey is twelve years older than me. They went to school together.”

“She’s his true mate?”

Neah nods her head. “She was nice once, before I killed my parents. She used to bring me presents, toys mostly. It all changed after she became Luna and I became nothing.”

“You didn’t kill your parents.” When would she accept it was a lie? “And you are not nothing. Not anymore.”

She puffs out her cheeks and her brow furrows.

“Talk to me.” I mutter, ignoring Aero’s rumblings

“I will be nothing when you cast me aside for a new bride.”

I roll my eyes. “Raven?”

She nods her head at me.

“Raven needs to learn to keep her mouth shut.” Grinding my teeth, I stare at her, I had asked her for the truth, it was only fair I did the same. “Raven isn’t wrong. There have been other brides, but none that I have truly wanted by my side.”

“You killed them?”

Raven really needed to learn to keep her mouth shut. It was her that had freaked out my other brides by telling them the same shit as she had told Neah. She was the reason some of them had ran.

“Some of them.”

She nods, keeping her eyes low.

“I didn’t kill them because I was bored of them. Some were passing information back to their old packs. Others were money grabbers, or desperate to be hanging on my arm at all times. If I had to go do something, they would whine at me that they weren’t getting enough attention.”


“Raven likes to do this. She likes to test my brides. But do you know what they all had in common?”

She shakes her head.

“I never marked them. I could never bring myself to do it. Something held me back.” Neah was the only one I had considered marking and I still couldn’t figure out what it was that drew me to her.

‘She’s perfect.’ Aero sounds smitten.

Grabbing the pot of cream, she automatically stands and lifts her top to show me her wound.

She lets out a little gasp as my fingers brush against her skin and I hear her heart skip a beat as she closes her eyes. She had a habit of doing that too. Afraid to witness what was happening or maybe it was a fear of looking me in the eye. I couldn’t tell.


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