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The Alpha’s Contract (Taylor West) novel Chapter 80


“Shit, shit, shit!” Raven panics, frantically searching through the cupboards, pulling out small bottles and tubs, looking for something.

“Neah, breathe.” I beg. She was in agony. I could feel it. I could feel her slipping away.

She lets out a harrowing gasp. Spluttering blood all over me, just as more blood starts to drip from her nose.

“I can’t find it! Where is it?” Raven cries

“Raven,” My voice drops to a whisper. “Raven, there is nothing we can do.”

“I have it, where is it?” Raven sobs as she tears through another cupboard

It had been a long time since I had seen Raven cry like this. The fear, the panic, the unknown. She hadn't reacted this badly when Salem rejected her. In fact she hadn't been like this since our parents died.

“Raven, stop!”

“No, it’s here, there is still time!”

Neah’s rapid heartbeat had slowed. It was barely beating and her breaths are growing shallow. She was in agonising pain and blood was now leaking from the inner corners of her eyes.

“HERE!” Raven turns around and jabs a huge syringe straight into Neah’s heart

Her heart stops completely.

“What the fuck have you done?” I growl at my sister

“It’s an antidote!”

“There’s no antidote for this!”

“I paid a Witch in the city to help me make it.” Big fat tears are rolling down her cheeks. “After you guys were almost poisoned, I had to find something. It has to work. It has too!”

I stare at my sister. An antidote was just not heard of, not for Blood of Wolfsbane. If there were one, every Wolf pack would have it readily available.

‘Listen.’ Aero mutters

Her heart slowly starts to beat. Faint, but nonetheless beating. Neah’s lungs are beginning to fill properly too as she sucks in oxygen. She coughs a little, bringing up less blood than before.

Raven keeps her distance, afraid to come any closer. “She will need to rest.” She mumbles, refusing to meet my eyes.


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