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The Alpha’s Contract (Taylor West) novel Chapter 84


I could hear them. Their voices sliced through the thick fog in my brain. Raven and Alpha Dane are arguing about the Witch who bound me.

I could hear Raven defending the Witch, not for what had happened in the past but for what she had done now.

“She knew exactly who I was, Dane!” She snaps “She knows you are my brother. I don’t think she needed a degree to figure out why I was asking for it."

“Guys, guys.” Devon calls out.

“I still can’t believe you went to her.” Alpha Dane snaps

“If I hadn’t, Neah would be dead!” Raven snaps back

Death. Maybe that was why I was here. Maybe death was what I was made for.

“Will you guys shut up!” Devon snaps. “Take it outside, she doesn’t need to hear this.”

“I’m sorry, Dane. I did what I thought was the best thing for this pack. I did this to protect us. Why can’t you see it?” Raven stops shouting. “I did this for Black Shadow.”

“How much?”

“It was nothing.”

“She always has a price. How much?”

“I will pay you back.”


I don’t hear what she says and I prefer it that way. But from the collective gasps, I assume it was a lot more than what anyone would pay.

“I have it now. She gave me a list of ingredients and the directions to make it myself.”

There’s silence and I feel myself slipping away into my own fog. Wrapping itself around me like a blanket as it cocoons me.

“She moved!” Devon’s voice drags me back out of the fog.

“She’s been twitching since yesterday.” Alpha Dane mutters

“No, she moved. Her hand opened and closed.”

Alpha Dane grabs my hand, short little spikes of electricity fly up my arm, jolting my heart.

“Did you see that?” Raven asks. “There was a spike in her heart rate.”

“Neah? Neah?” Alpha Dane calls my name

Had he felt it too?

I try to speak, but nothing comes out.

“Take your time, I’m right here.” Alpha Dane murmurs. He squeezes my hand and I feel the sparks again.


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