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The Alphas Princess novel Chapter 1

Isras POV*

Running and barking I was enjoying the night sky and smells of the forest surrounding me. I looked up to see a beautiful crescent moon. I began to run even faster letting out a howl of excitement. I stopped and took in more of my surroundings. I saw these bug things that light up fluttering around and tried to see if I could catch them in my mouth, I found out a long time ago they weren't food but that wasn't going to stop me from having fun with the odd creatures. I pawed at one in my reach and barked playfully at them. I rolled around as some flew around me as if a playful wolf intrigued them.

   I walked near a creek for a drink. I looked down at my reflection my dark green eyes staring back at me looking empty. I always felt like some part of me was missing. I thought I was an attractive she-wolf, black fur, shiny coat, small and lean body built for the hunt. I heard a twig snap and quickly went alert snapping out of my thoughts. My first thought is that maybe it was just humans wandering around I always thought them to be odd creatures however even ones I've come across in the past I was sure to be cautious always. I felt panic and fear rush over me as I realized this was not the scent of humans. I smelled the air and caught the scent of three wolves surrounding me One a few feet ahead of me, the other positioned a few feet behind me and the third one to my left.

    I took off to my right as fast as I could. Not long after I took off I could hear those horrid growls and snarls coming closer to me. One wolf lunged into my side biting in to me. and for the first time in I don't know how long I released to my human form and blacked out.

*Alpha Blakes POV*

I was in my office catching up on work when my beta Luke mind linked me "Alpha we caught a rogue on the western boarder." I growled at the thought of rogues daring to come on to my territory. "Kill it" I growled through our mind link. "Alpha you may want to come see this rogue its..." he trailed off as if searching for words to describe what he found. "What?!" I barked to my beta. "You'd better just come take a look sir." Luke closed the mind link. I growled and got up from my desk stomping off to the direction of the holding cells.

          "If this isn't worth our time we fight him" My wolf growled in my head. I smirked, maybe it's not such a bad idea to blow some steam off. The walk wasn't dreadfully far from my office I was able to calm my wolf as well as myself while I took in the scent of the night air and noticed no one was out and about. I realized it was near midnight and my pack members were sleeping safe and sound with their families. I'm not much of a family man myself. My pack members all fear me, male and females. Not one female has tried to mate with me. It does not matter anymore I've accepted the fact that I just simply do not have a mate and I am perfectly fine with that. "No bitch, no problem" I thought to myself.

            As I approached the door to the holding cells Luke and my gamma Tyler opened the door and bowed their heads to me as I walked in. Suddenly I was overwhelmed with the sweet scent of lavender and honey. "MATE! MATE! MATE!" My wolf barked happily at me. As I got closer to the wall I saw a beautiful unearthly being cuffed and chained to it. Long raven black hair hung to her tiny waist in waves, her smooth mocha colored skin was radiant even in the dim lit cell. I noticed her body was completely uncovered. Next thing that threw me completely off, her ears and tail. Yes, this human looking form had the ears of a wolf on both sides of the top of her head they hung low as she was unconscious. I saw her long black tail hung from behind her.

       Suddenly her tail started to twitch and her eyes started to open but she couldn't seem to hold focus. "MINE!" I growled loudly and the room shook with an echo. My beta and gamma stepped back in fear and kept their heads low to show submission. "Yours" she purred and fully opened her eyes and looked up at me. Her tail wagged furiously behind her. She winced at the pain her sudden tail wag caused her she looked down at her side and whimpered. I saw a bite wound in her side bleeding. "MATE IS HURT. KILL THE BETA AND GAMMA THEY HURT MY MATE!!!" My wolf roared ferociously in my head.


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