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The Alphas Princess novel Chapter 4

*Blake's POV*

Wiping the sweat from my arms, I get mentally prepared for another rep. I took the rest of the morning to go work out after the kitchen fiasco. Working out is a bitch sometimes, but training is necessary in our pack. You don't train you don't eat or even stay in this pack for that matter. A few years ago Luke, Tyler, and I converted one of the old warehouses on the territory into a gym for training purposes. I allow males in whenever but the females and pups are only allowed in on their scheduled training times. Unmated females train with my stronger mated females and same with the pups. I never allow them all in at the same time. Werewolves are asses, no sense in sugar coating it. I typically don't care if I see the guys being jack asses to females just so long as it's not during training.

I got up from the bench and walked over to get a drink as I look to my side I see a group of younger males picking on the omega, Sable. Sable originally came to us as a rogue a few years ago and the only reason I didn't kill her was Tyler felt sorry for her and stepped over her when I went in for the kill. She's small 5'1 and when we found her she only weighed 95lbs now she's a solid 112lbs. As the omega she's the lowest ranked wolf in my pack. She deals with a lot of shit, gets pushed around, plays human punching bag, and I hear the females tease her a lot and talk shit about her. The guys are just giving her a hard time, I try not to think too hard about it as I put in headphones and make my way back to the bench when I hear a loud snarl come from the group. Then that beautiful scent of my troublesome mate hits me. Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck

*Isras POV*

I rush between the group of males and the young female. I snarl to let them know I don't appreciate their behavior. I flatten my ears back, stiffen my tail, and pull my lips back making my canines apparent. I look over my shoulder to make sure the female is ok. She is shaking and seems afraid of me now. I back my body into hers to let her know I am here for her. I feel her relax a little and turn my attention back on the males.

"What's up bitch wanna fight?" The young male spat at me. I snarled again and shifted. I shook out my fur as it was raised on my neck. The male challenging me also shifted. Though his form was larger than mine I had no doubts I could take him. Between the two of us was just loud snarls. He was wanting me to submit and raised his head at me and stared me down. I leaned back on my haunches prepared to pounce when Blake appeared in front of me and grabbed the young male by the scruff and lifted him effortlessly. The wolf whimpered and curled its tail between his legs. Blake looked from the wolf to me. I saw something different in his eyes.

The iris was now red, the corner of his lips tilted up in a smile. In one swift motion he snapped the young wolf's neck and dropped it to the floor. "Anyone else wanna be reminded who the alpha is here?" He snarled at the group of now terrified youngsters in front of him. The group looked down at the wolf on the floor and looked back up to Blake, being careful not to look in his eyes as not to challenge him. They scattered off out of the building.


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