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The Alphas prize novel Chapter 36

Things had been going well for Cain and me since our ceremony. We couldn’t get enough of each other, taking advantage of every opportunity we had to devour one another. Then, the day after our mating, we had Samara and Eve’s funeral, saying our goodbyes and laying them to rest. It was a beautiful farewell; friends and family had gathered around, saying something about the fallen pack members before Cain put them into the ground.

Due to their crimes, Cain and I had decided to do things differently regarding a funeral for Calyx, Adela and Erik. Aside from what they had done, they were family and deserved a proper burial. So we decided to bury the trio on the border of both packs and kept things modest, saying a simple goodbye before coating their bodies in soil.

As time went on, I slowly learned how things worked around here and adapted to my duties as Luna. Things were a bit rough for a while, but Cain was supportive and guided me through things, being patient with me as he did.

I had been feeling off the last little while, not myself, and I didn’t know what was wrong. I chalked it all up to the stress of my new role, but as I eased into things, I was still feeling……different. I didn’t tell Cain about how I was feeling, not wanting to stress him out and thinking to myself that it was probably nothing anyway. Finally, however, I had decided to visit Rose, just to make sure that nothing was wrong with me.

I sat in the room, my foot bouncing off the floor as I impatiently waited for Rose to come in and examine me. Since losing my wolf, I hadn’t quite felt like myself, and I was less in tune with my own body, which was something that I wasn’t too happy about, to be honest.

Finally, Rose entered the room, a bright and welcoming smile on her face. “Hello Luna, to what do I owe the pleasure?” She asked cheerily.

I straightened myself in my seat, feeling anxious. “Well, I haven’t been feeling myself lately. I mean, I’ve been feeling off since losing my wolf, but the last couple of weeks, I’ve felt….different.” I told her honestly.

Rose pursed her lips and stared at me intently. “Losing your wolf is a major transition for your body to go through, physically and mentally. However, the feeling should have eased off by now. Can I have you lie down on the bed so I can do an examination?” She asked.

I nodded and then stood from my chair before walking over to the bed and lying down. Rose looked over my body, her fingers running over my skin as she continued to examine. Then, suddenly, she froze, her lip twitching slightly as she looked at me with a curious expression.

My brows furrowed. “What's the matter?” I asked worriedly.

She smiled, and her gaze softened. “Well, I think I have an idea as to what's going on,” Rose said cryptically.

After I visited with Rose, I rushed back to our bedroom and into the bathroom. A few minutes had passed, and I made myself dizzy as I frantically paced around in the bathroom, waiting impatiently. Finally, I walked out of the bathroom and into the bedroom. Looking up from my hands, I noticed Cain standing there, his eyes holding darkness, as he stared down at the test in my hands.

Cain came towards me, a curious look in his eyes, before gently pushing me into the wall and getting down on his knees before me, staring intently at my belly. He rubbed his thumbs across my skin, caressing it tenderly.

His gaze met mine, and he raised a brow. “Well? Are you?” He asked in a demanding tone.

I smirked as I held up the test and then flipped it over, revealing the positive symbol. Cain grinned like a madman, then kissed my stomach. His kisses trailed up my body, and his hands slid up my legs as he stood to his feet.

He gripped my ass firmly and stood to his full height before lifting me, then wrapped my legs around his waist. Cain enveloped me in his arms, holding me tightly and securely within his hold as he kissed me passionately.

I chuckled at him, finding his reaction surprising and warming. I didn’t expect him to be so thrilled about this, I had expected a different response from him, but I guess it was his turn to surprise me. Cain leaned back, breaking the kiss and stared into my eyes lovingly.

A low and satisfying growl rumbled from his chest, “I can’t believe your pregnant; we need to tell everyone.” He turned on his heels, with me still in his arms and rushed towards the door, not giving me the chance to protest.

My brows shot up at his eagerness. “Wait!” I shouted.

He stopped and furrowed his brows. “What?”

I pursed my lips. “Shouldn’t we wait a while before telling everyone?” I asked him.

He raised both brows in astonishment. “Fuck that; I don’t want to wait.” He retorted and then bolted out of the bedroom doors. I laughed at him and his hurry to spread the news. As we walked through the halls and down the stairs, Cain was still holding me in his arms.

I slapped him on the shoulder. “Cain put me down!” I told him, fully capable of walking on my own.

He shook his head. “No, I don’t want to.” He said simply and sternly.

Epilogue: The beginning 1

Epilogue: The beginning 2

Epilogue: The beginning 3


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