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The Alpha's Slave Mate novel Chapter 90

Caleb’s Point of View

I lay awake for hours, praying that sleep will eventually come. Daphne is splayed across my chest with her head nestled into my shoulder. I love holding her like this, and normally I would be out like a light. This is the exact kind of contact that I was craving while she mourned the loss of our child. Tonight, though I am racked with worry, and fear.

What if Daphne is right? What if somewhere along the lines in our pack, our wolves mated with witches or witch hybrids? What if a witch cursed our pack? I hate not knowing exactly what is going on. Usually in situations where I do not have the facts, I can turn to Theo, and he can discover what exactly is going on. It seems as if Theo is as stumped as the rest of us, and that alone is making everything uneasy for me.

Scarlett’s admission is also troubling me. If Alma was able to find a witch does that mean that they are more common than I previously thought? I personally do not have a problem with witches, but I do remember the stories that my parents told me. Before humans started multiplying in vast numbers, the different species of other worldly inhabitants fought each other fiercely. By nature, Vampires and Werewolves are natural enemies, much like Angels and Demons. Witches, Warlocks, Fairies, and Nymphs were both feared and used by other factions. According to legends and the stories I was told Angels, and Demons retreated to the spirit world. Fairies and Nymphs are believed to have been eliminated; although, my mother once confided to me that she believes that they simply built their own world. Witches and Warlocks were hunted by everyone, including the humans. Their numbers decreased dramatically. I have only encountered one Vampire in my life, and he quickly disappeared.

Is it possible that the Witches have simply avoided detection all these years? Did they simply not use any of their powers, or have they figured out a way to suppress their powers?

The questions plague my mind until finally utterly exhausted I find myself slipping into a deep sleep. It seems as if no time has passed before I feel Daphne wiggling across my chest. She is making a soft mewling sound and I am hoping that she is just having a moment of nightmare, and that it will not wake her and will pass quickly. After a few moments I realize that it is not a nightmare that she is having. I can smell her arousal, and the mewling noises have turned into soft moans.

Knowing the type of dream, she is in, is influencing my own body. I am rock hard imagining what she is seeing in her dream that has her worked up. Knowing that she will not find release through her dream I decide to give her relief in reality. I carefully rotate our bodies to where she is laying on her back and free my arm from under her head. I love that Daphne is smaller than me, it makes it easier to maneuver her when I need to. I take a moment and gaze at her slightly flushed face.

She is the most gorgeous woman I have ever seen. I love seeing her face flushed, and her hair slightly frazzled. Her natural beauty is beyond comparison. She has put on some very nice muscle mass within the last year, which has just helped define her curves better.

I begin kissing down her neck, soft nibbling along her collar bone. A soft moan escapes her lips and I slide my hand gently under her shirt, enjoying feeling the softness of her skin. I softly massage her breast, earning another moan from her sweet lips. Since she is still not fully awake, I decide to help her with that. I slow creep down her body, careful not to disturb her too much. Then I carefully lift her hips slightly to remove her sleep shorts from her body. I gently part her legs and admire the bead of moisture on the lips of her vagina. I waste no time in lowering my head and licking the sweet bead off her. By the second lick, I know that Daphne is awake now. She started to slightly pull away in surprise, and I use that moment to softly suck on her clit.

“Caleb” the words explodes out of her mouth.

Mmmmhmm, is all that I reply without stopping. Daphne bends her knees which gives me better access to her sweet core. Soon she is withering and moaning beneath me. I can sense that she wants to reach the pinnacle of her pleasure soon, but I have another idea in mind.

Daphne starts to protest as I stop my ministrations on her nether regions and give her a sly smile. I careful move her one leg lover my head, as I dive and lay on my back beside her.

“What new form of torture is this?” She asks me rather huffy.

“Oh, it is not torture love. I want you to come sit on my face. I want my tongue deep within you.” I look into her eyes, letting her know that I am very serious about my request. I can see her mind trying to process the new information I have given her.

“How will I know if I am suffocating you, or hurting you?” She is nervous and I cannot help but laugh slightly.

“Love I promise if it is not comfortable you will know quickly.” She continues to hesitate to I wrap my arm around her waist and pull her on top of me. “Now you can either climb up here, or I can scoot down darling, your choice.” When she hesitated, I started to lift her, and Daphne did help.

It did not take her long to decide that she liked this new position. As I licked and teased her, expertly swirling my tongue bringing her closer to orgasm. I reached my now free hands up and under her shirt, teasing both of her nipples simultaneously.


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