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The Alpha's Surprised Mate (Book #1 of Silver Moon Series) novel Chapter 121

One-Hundred Twenty: Quiet Time


It had been quiet for the last two months. The only excitement was when the animals finally narrowed down the area where Haze might be. Like normal, they came to Mykenzie and Kylani first. Those two took off for two days. We, of course, followed. We didn’t find Haze, but we did find a previous location that looked like it had been used recently. We also found hunters. They thought we were witches, and a fight broke out. I have to give the hunters credit. They put up a good fight, but they had no idea who they were really up against. In the end, we ended up capturing two of the hunters, and well, let's just say there wasn’t enough left of the other eleven to bury. That is where we are right now—getting cleaned up by mom and yelled at by the guys. Seriously, so what if Alexis has a sprained ankle? She always sprains her ankle when we get in a fight. Have they not paid attention to how clumsy she is? Both Leah and I have sprained our wrists, and I have a long cut from my shoulder to my hip. Mom had to place a few stitches in the middle of it. Jailynn and Bryn are limping, and Bryn also had to have a few stitches.

“If this cut ruins my tattoo, someone is gonna die,” Kylani announces.

“You’re kidding, right? You have a gash down your side and are worried about your fucking tattoo?” Kaled exclaims.

This actually makes me laugh. Of course, they would be more concerned about their tattoos than wounds. I wonder if they got my tattoos? Bastards. I try to look, but Mom hits me on the back of the head. At the moment, Chris and Mykayla are tending to Mykenzie and Kylani. They both got a few cuts along with their wings. The blood in their wings is highly poisonous. Chris, Imyra, Rye, and Mykayla are the only ones who won’t be affected if they come in contact with it. Marcus is pissed, and I guess he has the right to be. Leah is pregnant. I think that is why Mykenzie and Kylani are as bad as they are. They made sure to keep themselves in between the hunters and Leah. So out of all of us, Leah is actually barely hurt. I think she may have a few bruises.

“Marcus, I am fine. I might have a few bruises. Imyra has already checked me, and the baby is fine.” Leah tells him.

He grumbles something and places his hand on her belly. I start to laugh until mom tugs on the stitches a little harder than needed. I give her a dirty look, and I get a smack on the back of my head. I turn around and look forward, which means I am looking at Nate. Who is, by the way, not happy at the moment? I give him a sweet smile, but apparently, right now, that is not working. I have a feeling that we will be having a talk later. Chris is standing there, giving his sisters the stink eye. I start laughing because they are ignoring him. I have a feeling that all of us are going to get a talk later from these men.

“At least we caught two of them.” Mykenzie comments.

This earns her a glare from every one of the guys. She, of course, like normal, ignores them completely. They continue to tend to our wounds. I am pretty sure mom has said something to dad. I had no idea that he would be showing up and giving me a lecture.


What the ever-loving hell were these girls thinking? They should have said something to us, and we could have checked out the location. Of course, that obviously makes way too much sense to these women. Nope, they have to do this on their own. Then out of everything, they decide to fight with some hunters. I just want to smack them all and would if I knew they wouldn’t hit back even if they caught a couple of the hunters.

“You are grounded to the bed or couch until your ankle heals. Stay in the house.” I tell Alexis.

“Seriously, I am not staying in the house all the time. You do realize that I can move around without walking, right?” She asks me.

“Don’t care,” I tell her.

I don’t really know how well my threat is going to work. I really hope she listens. I know she wants to find Haze, but I also need her not to hurt either. She looks at me, and I give her a stern look. She drops her head and lets out a sigh. I hope that means no more running off and getting into fights. This woman is going to send me to an early grave.


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