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The beast and the blessed novel by Ashley Breanne novel Chapter 192

Sixteen: Charlie

Charlie's P.O.V.

Adrenaline coursed through my blood. I could feel every inch of Damien as he held me to his chest, and I was sure he could feel just how fast my heart was beating. Any second, he would be able to smell how turned on I was, too.

After taking down a bounty, the men used to go to town to celebrate. The adrenaline and excitement fueled their desire to drink, gamble, and find a partner for the night. I always returned to the camp to relieve whoever had stayed behind so they could enjoy themselves too.

I never understood the rush they got after killing. Not until now.

Now, I was so hyper-aware of Damien that I wanted nothing more than to wrap myself around him and claim my prize. As soon as my men left, I turned to face him, breathing deeply. He had awoken something in me that I didn't know was there, and all I could think about was having him inside me again.

Damien's black eyes scanned over my face, and I licked my lips, wanting to encourage him to take what was his.

"I don't want to argue with you right now, Charlie," The sound of my name leaving his lips was exciting and heartbreaking simultaneously. I liked being his Charlotte. Charlotte was a person I had never met or known before him. I had always been Princess Charlotte, and I hated her. Being just Charlotte was new to me. It had felt so good like it was who I was supposed to be this whole time.

"Good. I don't want to fight, either. I want to celebrate," I said, tightening my hold around Damien's neck. It was evident the second he smelled my desire. I watched his eyelids lower and his jaw clenched.

"How do you want to celebrate, baby?" His arms loosened around my waist, and his hands landed on my hips. A shiver went down my spine as his fingers worked their way under my shirt and brushed against my skin.

"I want you inside me." My request felt more like a demand as it crossed my lips, and I stared at him, praying he felt the same way.

"I told myself it would be different the next time I was in you. You didn't deserve to have your first time be the way it was, and I want to make it up to you." Damien's voice was deeper than normal, and while his words were nice, I knew he was feeling the same way I was. Energized. Excited. Horny.

"I thought it was perfect. What did you want to change? We can make a list, and then we'll fuck until we have checked off every want and desire you have right here and now. Was it the position? Did you want me bent over or maybe on top?" My fingers trailed down his neck, drawing small circles where my mark would one day lay.

He shivered but shook his head at me. "You deserve romance, baby. I would have wined and dined you if I had known that was your first time. We would have fucked in my bed, not on the couch. I would have taken my time and made love to you all night instead of fucking you in my living room."

My mouth went dry at his words, and I was sure a small moan left me, but I couldn't stop it.

"In your bed?”

Damien nodded, leaning forward to place his mouth on my neck. The open- mouthed kisses and small nibbles had my knees feeling weak, and I pushed my hips against his for support, feeling his hardness against my stomach.

"Yes. In. My. Bed. All fucking night." His teeth gently pulled on my earlobe, and he slipped his thigh between my legs, allowing us to get closer.

"What about up against a tree?’ I moaned, rubbing my hips against him.

Damien's head dropped back as he looked up at the sky and deeply breathed. "I'm trying to be a gentleman again, Charlie. Work with me here."

I laughed, making him look down at me with a heated gaze as I spoke. "But you're not just a gentleman, are you? I thought you were also an animal. You can wine and dine me later. Right now, I want to celebrate with you. Right now, I want to be fucked."

My lips connected with his bare chest. My tongue slid up the skin there and pulled a moan from him. His hands tightened on my hips, and I knew he was giving in.

"Most women want romance. I'm just trying to give you what you deserve." I cringed, bothered that he had brought up other women right now. He noticed and pulled back to look deep into my eyes. "I only want to make you happy."

"I don't want you to romance me right now, Damien. I want you to use me." I couldn't even blame him for unleashing this side of me. It wasn't his doing. As amazing as it was to be with him, I had been ready for this for years. There was only so much one could do by themselves.

I had my own list of things I had heard about, read, or even seen that I wanted to try. Having adrenaline rushing through my system only heightened what I was feeling.

"Why are you making this so difficult?" Damien smiled as he asked me the question. I laughed, reaching down and gently tugging on the waistband of his shorts. He didn't pull away, and I took that as a sign that he was willing to continue.

"I'm actually making this very, very easy." My hands moved back to my body, unclipping the sheath and dagger from my thigh before removing my sword and sheath over my head. They dropped to the ground, and he grabbed the bottom of my shirt, pulling it up slowly.


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