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The billionaire's kick-ass wife novel (Isabella) novel Chapter 392

Chapter 392 Idol’s Autograph

For the past few days, Isabella had been staying at the Presbyterian Medical Center. During this period, she treated many patients. It was pretty carefree.

Patients who had been treated by Isabella might not know that they had been treated by the Miraculous Doctor for the rest of their lives.

That was an opportunity that many people could not get, even if they begged.

After sending off another patient with flu, Isabella looked up and couldn’t help but look at Felix behind the counter.

Over the past few days, when she was, in the consultation room, Felix would always sneak glances at her. When she looked over, he would look away and pretend to be serious as he packed the medicine.

On one occasion, Isabella saw him put chamomile in a drawer of Echinacea.

It was deadly.

*Felix!” Isabella called out. Felix’s body suddenly stiffened, and his face tensed up.

Isabella said curiously, “Felix, why do you always look at me secretly? Even if I’m beautiful, I’m already married. Besides, you’re a little older!”

Felix’s mouth twitched a few times, and his facial expression changed. In the end, he gritted his teeth and walked towards Isabella with a book.

Felix awkwardly handed the book to her, cleared his throat, and said, “Ms. Josephina, this is our Monroe family’s medical record. Can you please sign it?”

Felix’s words left Isabella at a loss for words.

Isabella gradually came back to her senses. The corners of her lips slowly curled up, and she said with a faint smile, “Felix, do you admire my medical skills?”

The goatee on Felix’s chin trembled a few times. He lowered his voice and said, “Chief had told me your identity. Please sign it for me!”

Felix leaned forward slightly and blushed.

Isabella gave him a few teasing glances but did not make things difficult for him. She readily signed his book.

That book was old and should be the Monroe family’s medical skill book. She did not expect this person to use it to ask her for an autograph.

Isabella had never thought that she had fans.

Felix picked up the book and held it in his hands. When he saw the name signed on the book, his eyes lit up. Two words were written on it, Isabella Thompson.

Not Ganyra Josephina.

Felix left as if he was holding a peerless treasure. Isabella stared at his back with a smile and was in a good mood.

At this moment, another patient came. Isabella stopped thinking and started to treat that person.

Felix returned to the back hall and hugged the book happily, unwilling to let go. When the middle-aged man saw him like this, he immediately smiled and said, “Felix, looking at you, could it be that you have gotten your idol’s autograph?”

Felix’s face was still flushed with excitement. He glanced at the middle-aged man and nodded reservedly. He hugged the book even tighter.

The middle-aged man raised his eyebrows when he saw this. He reached out and pulled the book out of his arms. He flipped it open and saw two words with exquisite handwriting, Isabella Thompson.

“Haha, I would have forgotten if I didn’t look at this signature book. The Miraculous Doctor and I are from the same family.”

His surname was also Thompson.

Felix said, “Chief, even though both of you have the surname Thompson, you two are not exactly related, right?”

The district master returned the book to Felix and said, “If Logan knew that you had gotten the Miraculous Doctor’s autograph, he would be envious.

“Felix, I will give you two days off. You may return to District 7 for a vacation. While you’re at it, you can go to District 6 to visit the Sixth Master. Aren’t you always on good terms with him?”

Logan, the Sixth Master, had never gotten along with the Seventh Master, who was standing right in front of Felix. However, Felix, who was working under the Seventh Master, had the same idol as the Sixth Master two years ago. They had turned from an enemy to a friend. To be exact, a confidant.

If it weren’t for the fact that this district master was a big-hearted person, anyone else would have suspected that Felix had betrayed him.


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