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The billionaire's kick-ass wife novel (Isabella) novel Chapter 450

Chapter 450

Yvette was lost in thought and in a daze. Isabella took Yvette's hand and walked out of the room with Yvette.

As soon as they went out, they saw Frieda and Erica who had also come out. As their eyes met, Frieda and Erica's faces were filled with shock. ' They look fine?

"How could they be fine?' They muttered in their minds.

They then shifted their eyes to the person one of the Big Dippers was holding...

Frieda and Erica were horrified. "Mr. Chancely? What did you do to Mr. Chancely?'

Frieda's eyes widened as she roared.

Seeing Frieda lose her temper, Isabella was boiling with anger.

Isabella sneered and went forward to lift Jerico up and dragged him to the railing of the stairs.

She glanced down and her eyes met the stares of the people downstairs.

Patriarch Wheeler was helpless with disappointment at the sight of Isabella's turning up safe and sound. It seemed that Mr. Chancely had failed. Patriarch Wheeler was so deep in contemplation that he did not notice that Isabella was dragging someone.

At this moment, there was a commotion at the entrance of the hall. Then, a group of people marched in.

Seeing the crowd, Patriarch Wheeler wore a dazzling smile. He and Denver then stepped forward to welcome them.

Behind Isabella, Frieda was still chattering. She threatened, "Isabella, what are you doing? Let go of Mr. Chancely. Do you know the

consequences of hurting Mr. Chancely?"

Isabella didn't reply. One of the Big Dippers sneered, "Madame Wheeler, do you know the consequences of your Wheeler family treating our patriarch's wife like this?"

"You..." Furious, Frieda was rendered speechless.

Erica spoke nicely to Isabella after seeing Isabella fix her eyes downstairs, "There must be a misunderstanding between us. Mrs. Lockwood, please don't be angry. Can't we sit down and have a talk?

"If the situation worsens, it will give rise to tension.

"Yvette, please persuade Isabella to stop it. Although our two families are not on intimate terms, we're still related by blood.

"Moreover, Mr. Chancely has a powerful background. You don't want to see the Barker family get revenge, right?'

Erica was using a carrot-and-stick approach.

Yvette gave Erica a sullen glare, but she was wordless and turned to look at Isabella.

Isabella was landing her eyes downstairs, but one of the Big Dippers retorted, 'Bullshit. You don't have to worry about the Baker family. Worry about yourselves first. Let's see if the Lockwood family will let you off!"

Erica and Frieda's expressions changed.

It would have been fine if today's matter had succeeded, but it didn't. If the Lockwood family pursued the Wheeler family, the latter would definitely be in trouble.

Erica was in a panic, knowing how ruthless the Lockwood family was.

However, Frieda acted boldly, sneering, "Humph, don't forget that I was once a member of the Baker family!

"Draxton has to call me Great Aunt. I wonder what he will do to our Wheeler family!"

The Big Dippers looked sullen, annoyed by the shameless Madame Wheeler.

Isabella snorted in disgust. Even Yvette's face was boiling with anger.

Isabella looked back at Frieda and said, "Leave aside whether Draxton acknowledges you as his Great Aunt or not. Whether I, Isabella Thompson, will let you off is another matter to be concerned about. Also... you should worry about whether the Chancely family will forgive the Wheeler family."

Isabella then slightly moved up the corners of her mouth before lifting Jerico onto the railing and throwing him down without hesitation.

The Baker family’s mansion was spacious. The distance between the second floor and the first floor was at least three to four meters. Jerico had been seriously injured and unconscious. Now that he was thrown down like a sack by Isabella, everyone was glued to the spot.

Frieda and Erica screamed when realize what Isabella had done.

Frieda roared, "Oh no!"

However, it was too late.


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