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The billionaire's kick-ass wife novel (Isabella) novel Chapter 455

Chapter 455

Frieda leaned against the headboard tiredly with Patriarch Wheeler lying beside her.

They couldn't fall asleep. Frieda said, with a grim look in her eyes, "Hubby, you saw it too. Draxton's wife is a tough woman.

'She could even make someone like Mr. Chancely suffer.

' Hmph, the Lockwood family is really something. I heard that Isabella came from an ordinary family. The Lockwood family probably allowed Draxton to marry her because she had something special."

Patriarch Wheeler said with a sigh, "What's the use of saying this? What happened today is a huge blow to our Wheeler family."

His face turned gloomy as he spoke. The next second, he continued angrily, ' But you're right. Isabella is indeed a tough woman. Everything that happened today was because of Isabella. If it weren't for her, Mr. Chancely would have already gotten Yvette. Then our cooperation with him would continue smoothly.

' Draxton alone already gives us a headache, and now, there's another troublemaker.

'But it doesn't matter. I'll go to the Barker family’s house tomorrow morning and ask them for an explanation. They ruined Shelly's birthday party and our family's plans. They offended Mr. Chancely and the President. I'll go ask them to make it up to us!"

Patriarch Wheeler frowned and said, "But... it has been years since the Barker family cut their relationship with us. What if they reject our request?"

Frieda said in a stern voice, her face twisted slightly, "How dare they!

' Have you forgotten? Manfred owes me! I

"My father favored boys and never took me seriously. When a gang of bandits from the mountain broke into the town, my mother saved his life. Only then did he care a little more about me.

"My mother's brother became a bandit as well later. Manfred led his men to kill him.

"Manfred has never treated me as his biological sister. Even when I married you, he gave me nothing but a tip of money.

"As for him, he inherited all the property of the Barker family and became the envy of everyone. Don't you think he owes me?"

Patriarch Wheeler remained silent. In fact, Manfred killed Frieda's uncle because he colluded with the bandits. Coincidentally, those bandits were the ones who killed Frieda's mother.

If he were Manfred, he would kill that guy as well.

However, he would not voice his thought, or Frieda would definitely be annoyed.

Frieda continued, "He took over the Barker family’s business and married the daughter from a noble family. In the early years after I married you, the Wheeler family was down-and-out. Had he ever given us a hand?

"Why could his daughter marry into the Lockwood family and become the patriarch's wife while my daughter could not?

"Hubby, I've been bullied by the Barker family all along. This time, I'll definitely argue with him and let him know how much he owes me."


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