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The billionaire's kick-ass wife novel (Isabella) novel Chapter 457

Chapter 457

"You!" Frieda was about to retort, but she just could not come up with anything.

"Frieda, get out of my house. I've had nothing to do with you since a long time ago. If you continue to make a scene here, I won't show mercy!"

At this moment, Manfred's face finally darkened.

Without him, the Barker family might have fallen a long time ago, and there was no way it would become the current business giant. He was also a legendary figure when he was young. As time went on, he became increasingly gentler. Even so, if he really put on a stern look, his aura would definitely intimidate everyone.

Patriarch Wheeler was frightened because he could tell that Manfred was really annoyed. He reached out to pull Frieda.

However, Frieda did not buy it. She said angrily, "Manfred, your daughter is doing so well. What's the big deal about me having your granddaughter do Shelly a favor? Why are you so heartless?

"You know that the Wheeler family offended Mr. Chancely and the President, but you just turn a blind eye to it. Isn't it too impersonal?"

Manfred was so angry that he could not utter a word.

Erica, who had been lowering her head without saying anything, stepped forward and said with tears in her eyes, "Uncle, Aunt, I know that my mother did something wrong, but she's your sister after all.

' No matter what happened, we're still family. Please ask Draxton to let the Wheeler family off for the sake that we're related by blood!"

Madame Barker looked at her in disgust. Erica was good at acting when she was young. Every man would want to protect her when they saw the tears in this beauty's eyes. Fortunately, Philip loved Jean very much. Otherwise, Erica might have succeeded in seducing him.

Madame Barker sneered, "Erica, stop acting in front of us. I'll put it straight. Our two families will be enemies from now on.

"There's no need for us to see each other again. If you don't provoke us, we won't do anything to you.

"Otherwise, we'll fight you to the death!"


"Shut up! Don't call me aunt anymore!" Madame Barker said in disgust.

Frieda glared at Patriarch Barker and said angrily, "Manfred, are you sure you want to do this to me?"

Manfred looked at her coldly and said, "Frieda, you owe the Barker family, not the other way around.

"From now on, the Wheeler family will be the Barke family's enemy. You'd better behave yourself!"

With that, Manfred turned to Alfred and said, "Get them out. In the future, don't let any Wheeler in."

' Manfred Barker!"

Frieda roared.

Alfred got the bodyguards here and asked them to throw the Wheelers out.

Patriarch Barker and Madame Barker looked at each other. The two of them no longer had the appetite to have breakfast, so they just turned to go upstairs.

Frieda had not got what she wanted yet. Watching them leave, she became anxious.

"Manfred, get Draxton to call the President and let the President retract his order.

"Also, ask Draxton to let Mr. Chancely off. Mr. Chancely is the heir to the Chancely family in Southeast Aelinne. You'll be in trouble as well if you offend him!"

Patriarch Barker, who was walking upstairs, suddenly stopped in his tracks. He turned around and looked at Frieda expressionlessly. "Frieda, don't you understand what I'm saying? From now on, our families are enemies. You should know what it means to be enemies, right?

"How come you're still in the mood to think about the President and Mr. Chancely? What you should be most worried about now is how to deal with it if I take revenge on you!

"You've attacked my kids again and again. Do you think I'm a pushover?"

After saying that, he continued upstairs.

Madame Barker shot Frieda a glare with a sneer, her eyes full of mockery.

Frieda was stunned. Her mind buzzed when she was dragged out by the bodyguards.

This was completely different from what she expected!

She thought that as long as she came to make a scene, Manfred would definitely forgive her and even promise her some benefits for the sake of the old days. Then her goal would be achieved.


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