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The billionaire's kick-ass wife novel (Isabella) novel Chapter 554

Chapter 834

"Natalie." Marcus said coldly, "You'd better pray that Danny doesn't know that you want Sadie's life.

Otherwise, the shot that should have been fired a year ago will pass through time and fall between your eyebrows."

After that, he got up and left without any reluctance.

The coffee was already cold, and the fragrance had faded. Natalie touched her neck unconsciously and bit her lips nervously. It was not until her blood flowed out that she came back to her senses and murmured, "Marcus..."

Marcus, Marcus, Marcus...

She repeated this name in her heart and finally smiled. She leaned against the back of the chair and closed her eyes. The waiter came to pick up the cups and was shocked to see the blood on her lips. "Miss?" Natalie smiled and said, "It's okay. I bit my lip accidentally."

She took a piece of paper and casually wiped away the blood. The blood was printed on the snow-white bamboo pulp paper, like a flower blooming in the snow.

She stared at the piece of paper for a long time before throwing it into the trash can. She said gently to the waiter, "Get me the bill."

On the fifth day, Crystal was finally in high spirits and could get out of bed to walk. She went to the ward next door and checked on the innocent Lars with her handwritten board.

Lars's injury was much more serious than hers. At this time, he was still doing his IV, but he was already very clear-headed.

When Crystal walked in, she found that he was alone inside. She was curious and wrote on the hand-written board, "Didn't your family come over?"

Lars knew that Crystal had temporarily become mute, so he lazily raised his eyelids. He was lying on the hospital bed with a weak face, looking like a youth with a problem. Even if he was wearing a hospital gown, he insisted on wearing his skull pendant. Hearing Crystal's words, he said, "My family members are all dead."


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