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The Billionaire's Unwanted Bride novel Chapter 87

Evelyn's POV

I haven't been picking Adams's call since the night we saw Anna at the restaurant. I feel dejected that my daughter doesn't understand me and is not ready to support me. I only gave Adams a chance but I am ready to let go already. I want to prove a point to Anna.

But he keeps calling. I have been indoors since that day, crying my eyes out and thinking about my life. I have no zeal for anything anymore, even my dream of having a restaurant. I saw Aidan's message but I did not acknowledge it because I didn't feel like it and I wanted him to know that I am not a beggar.

I don't even feel like going ahead with the building anymore. I just wish the world would go on without me. I just wish I can have peace. But I am troubled, greatly troubled, and depressed. All I do all day is to drink and sleep. I am tired of living. I wanted to give up.

When Adams' call persisted, I decided to pick and he asked me to come to meet with him somewhere. He said he wants me to meet someone and it's important.

Without saying ok, I disconnected the call and sent him a text that he should send me the venue and time.

He sent it and I went to take my bath to prepare. I was glad I was already sober.

I am in the cab, on my way to the address that was sent to me. It is a restaurant and I hope Adams isn't doing this just to bring me out on purpose and see me.

But I trust him, I don't know why. I feel he is an honest man and he can't lie just to see me.

I am almost dozing off when the cab stops in front of the restaurant. I pay and get out of the cab. I take long strides towards the building while fishing out my phone to call in case I don't see him.

The moment I enter, I see him. He is wearing a suit as usual and he stands up to welcome me. I look around for the person he said he wants me to meet but there is no one beside him and no familiar figure around.

What is he doing?

"How are you?" He leads me to a seat, after pulling the chair out for me.

"I am fine", I answer calmly, placing my purse on the table. I know I look miserable, I didn't feel like wearing any makeup and I know my eye bags are obvious. He watches me for a while before saying.

"The person I want you to meet is almost here."

"Who is the person?" I ask.

"It is meant to be a surprise", he grins. I nod.

"You don't look good, Evelyn", he points out.

"I'm fine."

"No, you are not. I called several times but you didn't pick....."

"I eventually did", I raise my voice at him. When he shut his mouth, I regret shouting.

"I'm sorry", he apologizes before resting his back to the chair and still watching me. I did not answer and I look away from him.

My eyes are scanning the whole place when it falls on the person about to enter the restaurant. It is Pamela and she seems happy.

I shift my gaze to Mr. Adams. "What is your daughter doing here?"

He turns to see her coming. When their eyes interlock, he waves at her to come forward.

"Can you please explain what is happening here?" I demand as Pam gets to our table.

She looks displeased seeing me and I am not pleased as well that she is the important person Mr. Adam asked me to come out to meet. I want them to leave me alone. I want them to become my past. I want Pam to still be my daughter's friend which is why I no longer want to have anything to do with Mr. Adam.

She doesn't want me to be part of her family and I respect that. Why then won't they let me continue wallowing in self-pity?

"Calm down, please", Mr. Adam says.

"Sit, Pam", he instructs her and she obliges.

"I am sorry but I will have to leave if you can't provide any explanation to what is happening", I say.

"Sit, Evelyn", he is using his tone of authority on me and I sit back. Pamela isn't saying anything but I know she is as surprised as me.

"Pam", he holds her hand. "As I told you the other time that there is absolutely nothing between Evelyn and me, I was being honest but now there is something", he smile wryly.

She removes her hand from his hold and opens her mouth wide. I close my eyes when she looks my way. I dread the look, it is filled with disappointment.


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