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The Bride’s Revenge (Marion Cartier And Jameson Royce) novel Chapter 107

Chapter 107 Was She Robbing Lucas

Lucas quickly returned with a black card

Marion logged into the mobile banking app on her phone. After filling in the required information, the system informed her that for large transactions, she needed to personally visit the bank counter

Marion looked at Lucas and asked, Can I take a photo of the card and use it for large transfers?” 

You can keep the card. The password is my birthday. Use this card when attending banquets or shopping with friends,Lucas replied

So, the card would be exclusively hers for future use? Marion questioned the significance of transferring one hundred million dollars to the card

Lucas continued, You’ll attend many events, and you’ll need to order various dresses. This is for you. 


His reasoning left Marion speechless, and she reluctantly accepted the card. As she was about to assure him that she would not misuse it, fatigue suddenly overwhelmed her, and before she could 

cover it up, she yawned

Go take a nap,Lucas suggested

She wanted to say something but stopped herself

Forget it, she had nothing specific to say anyway

When she returned to her room, Marion realized something. Not only had she failed to return the money, but she had also received a card specially for her use

Was it perhaps that Lucas was excessively wealthy and wanted to gift her with some spending money

Oh well, he was indeed a generous person

As she reflected on that, Marion changed into her sleepwear and collapsed into bed

She had not slept too late the previous night and woke up around seven in the morning

She was exhausted, and she quickly succumbed to sleep

The breeze from the French windows made the room cool without the need for air conditioning. Marion slept exceptionally well and even had a pleasant dream

In the dream, Lucas had transferred all his assets to her, telling her that as Mrs. Craig, it did not matter whose name the property was under, as it was shared between husband and wife. She had graciously accepted Lucas’s generosity, and a billion dollars in cash was delivered to the mansion. She sat on the vast sum of cash that filled her room, as she laughed excitedly

The abrupt ringtone shattered the room’s tranquility, and Marion opened her eyes. The joy from the dream seemed to linger. She touched a finger to her lips and found them slightly cracked

Chapter 107 Was She Robbing Lucas


Had she been laughing in her sleep

As she sat up in bed, Marion thought about the dream, and her expression changed

What a frightening daydream. Was she robbing Lucas? What about the part where he transferred all his assets to her name? Marion felt like she was going crazy, daring to dream such a thing

She quickly got out of bed, entered the bathroom, and washed her face. The icy water helped her snap out of it. Changing out of her sleepwear, Marion decided to go out for a walk


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