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The Bride’s Revenge (Marion Cartier And Jameson Royce) novel Chapter 110

Chapter 110 You’re An Exception 

“What’s the issue?” 

Lucas had finished reading the papers, then he raised his head and glanced at Marion

Marion was puzzled, as she looked at his calm expression. She even started to wonder that she had perhaps made a mistake

She pointed to the contents on the paper with her hand, After going through this page, don’t you think it can be summarized in one sentence?” 


You dislike women.” 

The man’s gaze shifted from her face to her index finger on the paper. I don’t dislike women.” 

Who would believe that?Marion silently asked herself

Outwardly she smiled and pretended not to understand him. But every point here seems to suggest that, as long as women don’t get close to you, it’s fine.” 

I think you’ve misunderstood me.” 

Lucas stepped back, and his already loose bathrobe instantly opened up, revealing a large expanse of 

muscles on his chest

He had eightpack abs

Marion quickly looked away and avoided eye contact with Lucas

After a while, she reluctantly looked up into his dark 


Feeling guilty, her face grew even redder. Is that so? Where is the problem?” 

These rules don’t apply to you, and besides—” 

As he spoke, he adjusted his bathrobe

Seeing his movement, Marion’s face heated up even more, And besides what?” 

She tried hard to find a topic to distract herself

She was not that lascivious of a person

Lucas looked at her and raised an eyebrow

Aren’t you just a woman? You’re a woman, and I don’t dislike you. How could I dislike women?he asked almost lazily

Marion glanced at the contents of the paper, blinked distractedly, and suddenly came to a realization. I understand now. You mean I should help you fend off admirers, right?” 

Chapter 110 You’re An Exception 


You’re Mrs. Craig, so shouldn’t you?” 

Marion nodded slowly. Yes, yes.” 

She was slow to catch on

Do you like using perfume?” 

The man on the side suddenly asked, Marion was momentarily stunned by the diversion. She glanced at him and shook her head in puzzlement. Not particularly.” 

So, she did not pay much attention to the part in the document that mentioned dislikes strong perfumes.” 

You can use some.” 


Marion looked at him in confusion

The perfumes you use all smell good.” 

Oh, thank you.” 

Could it be that she had some strange smell on her

Why did Lucas want her to use more perfume

Marion lowered her head and sniffed herself, but could not detect any unpleasant smell

What are you thinking?” 

Lucas’s nonchalant voice echoed in the room and Marion, still sniffing herself, replied without thinking, I’m checking if there’s any odor on me.” 


If there’s no odor, why are you suggesting that I use more perfume?” 


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