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The Bride’s Revenge (Marion Cartier And Jameson Royce) novel Chapter 118

Chapter 118 No Escaping Now 

While he answered the phone, Marion silently mouthed the question, Should I leave?She had 

noticed that the call was from Lucas’s father

It did not take much guessing to know that it was a call to reprimandLucas, and as the supposedculprit, Marion felt it was appropriate to give them some space

Lucas glanced at her, and as she prepared to get up, he leaned forward and took hold of her wrist. The grip was not too strong, but the warmth emanating from his palm onto her wrist was constant

Marion instinctively curled her fingers and attempted to withdraw her hand, but as soon as she moved, the pressure from his hand increased slightly

Lucas tilted his head to look at her, and feeling embarrassed, Marion blushed and refrained from moving any further

The spacious room became quiet, and Marion stood just half a meter away from Lucas

On the other end of the call, Arthur’s anger was palpable, and his voice resonated with escalating fury

Marion listened awkwardly as the conversation unfolded

Within a month, you have to divorce that woman!” 

That’s my wife.” 

Formalities don’t make a wife. What you two have is nothing more than a base connection without any proper ceremony!” 

And what about you and Mrs. Roy?” 

Lucas paused for a moment, then chuckled. Adulterer and adulteress?” 

Marion sighed. Lucas was bolder than she expected

If you insist on not divorcing Marion then leave Radiant Group.” 

“I should remind you, my mother owns thirty percent of Radiant Group shares.” 

In that case, step down from your position as chairman! Whoever marries Alice, between you and Phillip, one of you will get my shares in Radiant Group!” 

Whatever you say.” 

Then the call was abruptly disconnected

Marion could no longer hear the rest of the conversation. Lucas hung up the phone

After hanging up the phone, Lucas glanced at her

Marion felt guilty. I didn’t hear anything.” 

Chapter 118 No Escaping Now 


As soon as she said it, she regretted the words. What was the difference between voicing her thoughts and admitting guilt

It doesn’t matter even if you heard it,he said nonchalantly

He released his grip on her wrist, and his gaze fell on the noodles. Did you make this?” 

Marion breathed a sigh of relief, realizing that he truly did not seem to care. Yes.” 

What else could she have done

Lucas remained silent, then lowered his head to eat the noodles

Marion sat there, thinking about the intense phone call between Lucas and his father

The amount of information revealed was overwhelming


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