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The Bride’s Revenge (Marion Cartier And Jameson Royce) novel Chapter 125

Chapter 125 Was My Mrs. Craig Bullied? 

Franchesca and the person who entered with her looked surprised. “Wasn’t Marion the special guest performer for today?” 

The staff member standing next to Althea became uneasy. “Miss Marion’s leg injury flared up, and we can’t force her onto the stage, right, Miss Franchesca?” 

Franchesca had arrived late and, though she was unaware of what had just happened, she glanced at Althea and connected the dots. 

She nodded without saying much. After all, it was a charity event, and she had no authority to 


As she watched Marion leave, Althea, raised an eyebrow triumphantly. “Not just anyone can participate in such a grand charity event.” 

She smirked, finally feeling a sense of satisfaction. 

The news of Marion being unable to perform due to a foot injury quickly reached the event organizer, 

Zoe Lockhart. 

Zoe was not pleased with Marion’s ‘excuse’. Marion was a special guest at the event. 

While outsiders did not understand, Zoe knew very well that Marion’s presence would generate positive international publicity for the event. 

The more sensational the charity event, the better. 

With Althea’s fame in Mystara and Marion’s internationally renowned reputation, the success of the event would improve their organizations, allowing them to help more hearing-impaired individuals. 

Two months ago, when news of Marion’s car accident came out, Zoe had been actively in touch with her assistant, Miley, who had consistently assured her that there were no issues, and Marion could 


Yet, on the day of the event, with only half an hour until the charity performance began, her staff informed her that Marion had ‘withdrawn from the performance’. 

Zoe was suspicious of Marion’s intentions. 

But Marion had no malicious intentions. While she kept a low profile in Mystara, her international reputation was significant. Why would she have agreed to participate in the event and then suddenly change her mind? 

The more Zoe thought about it, the more it seemed peculiar. She quickly instructed her assistant to pause their current tasks and go backstage to find out what had actually happened. 

At that moment, Marion and Miley had just left the venue when they ran into Lucas stepping out of his car. 

Chapter 125 Was My Mrs. Craig Bullied? 


Marion, who had just been proud and confident moments ago, instantly wilted upon seeing Lucas. 

A few days ago, she had joyfully informed people about her charity performance that day and even asked if they would attend. Now that they had come, she had been forced out… It was an awkward 

situation to be in. 

It was Miley’s first time meeting Lucas, and the man’s imposing presence left her momentarily speechless. 

Lucas’s eyes flickered as he walked toward Marion. 

He lifted his hand to brush away the stray strands of hair hanging down. “Weren’t you supposed to perform today?” 

Marion looked at Lucas in embarrassment. “I, uh, won’t be going on stage today.” 

“Why?” Lucas looked at her, his voice cool, but his eyes deeply focused. 

Marion awkwardly gestured to the crowd behind her. “It’s… too crowded.” 


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