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The Bride’s Revenge (Marion Cartier And Jameson Royce) novel Chapter 128

Chapter 128 What Does Lucas Have in Mind?

“It might not have been my work at all but perhaps our combined effort helped.”

Miley did not immediately catch on and thought Lucas was being modest.

“Marion is undoubtedly amazing, but she’s just so low-key! Sometimes, being too circumspect isn’t a good thing. Even very capable people can end up being bullied by others.”

Miley could not stand seeing Marion being mistreated, and once she started talking, she could not stop. However, she had some self-awareness. “Sorry Mr. Craig, am I talking too much? I don’t mean anything by it. I just feel sorry for Marion.”

“I also feel sorry for my wife. Miss Miley, in the future, if you encounter such situations, feel free to contact my secretary, Daniel.”

“Is that okay? Wouldn’t it disturb you?”

“Not at all.”

Lucas handed Miley one of Daniel’s business cards. “This is Daniel’s number.”

Miley was pleasantly surprised, then she looked at Marion. “This time, I won’t listen to you, Marion, or you’ll keep getting bullied!”

Marion remained silent throughout their interaction.

Seeing Miley’s grateful look towards Lucas, Marion did not feel the need to explain. She could not help but glance at the man beside her, thinking about what he said in the car earlier. Her heartbeat inexplicably quickened.

Fight fire with fire.


what did Lucas have in mind? Was he going to drive Althea away? Was that the only option?

“In the future, know that you don’t have to endure things like this silently.”

Marion rolled her eyes. “I wasn’t enduring silently.”

Lucas glanced at her with a half-smile, “I believe the event planner you mentioned is here.”


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