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The Bride’s Revenge (Marion Cartier And Jameson Royce) novel Chapter 143

Chapter 143 I’m Easy to Please

After thinking that she had dealt with everything. Althea did not expect that half an hour later,

Marion would post another Twitter update:

[I indeed took advantage of my husband’s influence but Mr. Craig was angry. What could I do?]

Accompanying the text were several pictures, including ones of Marion being carried into the car and the medical records from the hospital.

After posting the information on Twitter, Marion’s heart raced. She had to take a few seconds to calm


Once the post was out, public opinion had mostly shifted in Marion’s favor.

[Haha, Althea is really something. She bullies others as if it’s her right, but when she kicks an iron board, she makes a big fuss. Is Althea blind? I really can’t see where Miss Marion used any privileges.]

[Poor Miss Marion! She’s such a capable lady who’s not only called a ‘watered-down’ artist by an idol singer but was also bullied by her. Her husband helps her out, and yet she’s accused of using her privileges. Oh my. Miss Marion is truly in a miserable situation!]

[Considering the current evidence, Miss Marion is indeed being treated unfairly! Alas, when will the entertainment industry change? Althea will remain popular, while Miss Marion, a piano genius, is criticized. It’s hard to understand.]

[Ah, am I the only one thinking about shipping this couple? Miss Marion vs. Mr. Craig (a genius piano performer vs. a doting and domineering CEO) Save me, isn’t this like life imitating art?]

Online opinion had shifted overwhelmingly against Althea. Only Althea’s fans resisted, and some paid marketing accounts to spread misleading information.

[Setting aside all this, changing the confirmed opening guest just like that, isn’t that bullying?]

[Oh, so the confirmed opening guest can be changed just like that? This is eye-opening!]

Of course, such comments were quickly overshadowed as the charity event by Harmony Institute was saved by Taylor Hiddleston.

Taylor’s popularity far surpassed Althea’s, and when she stepped in to save the event, how could her fans allow the strange insinuations Althea’s fans made?

Not long after Marion posted the second Twitter entry, Cassie sent her a message.


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