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The Bride’s Revenge (Marion Cartier And Jameson Royce) novel Chapter 146

Chapter 146 This Is Going Too Far

Althea had not expected her agent to abandon her.

She looked at Hailey’s departing figure. “Believe it or not, Hailey, I’ll hire someone immediately!”

As Hailey reached the door, she found Althea’s words amusing. “I’ve reached my limit, Miss Althea. Your family connections should make it easier for Mr. Tommy Dicaprio to find you a capable manager. Since you don’t need me anymore, just tell Mr. Tommy Dicaprio to replace me.”

Hailey had truly had enough! She opened the door and left without looking back.


In reality, Althea had just been acting on impulse. When she saw Haileyi leaving, she felt a moment of panic. But it was just for a moment.

Althea did not think too highly of Hailey.

Let her go!

She was not indispensable!

With no help from Alexander, her Twitter was flooded with nearly two hundred thousand negative


Althea could not bear the frustration. She posted her own entry on Twitter: [Miss Marion is indeed quite talented, with an overwhelming ability to control everything. I have provoked someone I can’t afford to offend. I was wrong.]

Althea’s Twitter post was dripping with sarcasm.


initially thought that playing the victim would resonate with the public, but it backfired. Even some of her die-hard fans could not help but comment on how the interactions were going too far.

Althea’s popularity had taken a substantial hit.

Marion considered the situation settled, so she did not bother checking Twitter anymore and decided to go to the music room to practice the piano.

However, as she was about to stand up, a knock on the door interrupted her. “It’s me.”

It was Lucas. Marion was momentarily stunned. She quickly stood up and went to open the door. “Mr. Craig?”

“The agreement has been drafted. Would you like to take a look?”

The man stood tall and elegant, not holding anything in his hands.

“Oh, okay.” Marion followed him to the study. When they reached the stairs, she was surprised to see


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