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The Bride’s Revenge (Marion Cartier And Jameson Royce) novel Chapter 151

Chapter 151 Is It Abnormal for a Husband and Wife to Kiss?

Both father and daughter breathed sighs of relief.

Richard knew his daughter was doing well, while Marion was no longer worried about her guilty secret being exposed.

After hanging up the phone, Marion thought about her marriage agreement. She reached out to the vanity table, grabbed the agreement, and reread it.

On a second glance, Marion still found something odd. Well, she had signed it, and there was no point in dwelling on it.

Yawning, Marion, feeling incredibly tired. She neatly placed the agreement back and changed into pajamas before heading to bed.

The situation between Marion and Althea had become quite a sensation online.

Even Lucas got involved, prompting Martin and the others, who usually did not follow entertainment gossip, to check Twitter.

After dealing with the matter, Lucas turned his head and noticed the lit screen of his phone on the desk. Messages were pouring into the WhatsApp group, and he picked up his phone when he found himself tagged in the message.

Preston: [@Lucas, are you really this protective now?]

Martin: [You haven’t had too much to drink, have you, Lucky Luke?]

Tobias: [You’ve revealed your true nature.]

Lucas clicked his tongue, opened the chat, and replied: [You’re not married. You wouldn’t understand. It’s Saturday today, and all of you seem quite free.]

As soon as Lucas sent his message, the group attacked him within seconds.

Martin: [We’re not married, so we really wouldn’t know how getting married turns someone protective.]

Preston: [We’re not married, so we really wouldn’t know how getting married turns someone protective.]

Tobias: [We’re not married, so we really wouldn’t know how getting married turns someone protective.]

Lucas glanced at the messages and could not be bothered to respond. It was just jealousy, after all. Heh.

Marion ended up sleeping longer than expected, and when she woke up, it was already past six in the evening, with the room dimly lit.



Chapter 151 Is It Abnormal for a Husband and Wife to Kiss?


She worried for a moment that she might have overslept into the night. Checking her phone, she sighed in relief, realizing she had not missed dinner.

Just as she relaxed, there was a knock on her door. Lucas’s deep voice spoke from outside her door, Dinner.”

Marion rolled her eyes, “I know, Mr. Craig.”



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