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The Bride’s Revenge (Marion Cartier And Jameson Royce) novel Chapter 165

Chapter 165 Has Marion Gone Crazy?

When Marion spoke, Veronica’s expression noticeably changed. She initially thought that, in front of so many people and with her amiable attitude, Marion would reluctantly agree, even if she was


Marion did not play into those expectations at all. Even in the presence of so many people, she did not show any social courtesy. The onlookers who had anticipated a spectacle, sighed collectively when they heard Marion.

“Seriously? Is Marion that bold? After all, Veronica’s the stepmother of her husband. Shouldn’t Marion show some respect, even if she dislikes her husband’s family?”

“What do you know? The relationship between Mr. Craig and his stepmother has always been strained. Marion naturally wants to align herself with Mr. Craig.”

“But on such an occasion, even if there’s genuine discontent, refusing like this seems impolite and disrespectful, doesn’t it?”

“She’s confident. Look at that necklace around her neck. Do you think Lucas would let her feel wronged?”

Though the murmurs were hushed, Veronica still heard them. However, having been a part of the Craig family for over a decade, that kind of situation was not new to her.

She quickly regained her composure. “If you mind, then forget it. In that case, you can wander around by yourself. Miss Alice has some important matters to discuss with Lucas.”

Alice who stood next to Veronica was also elegantly dressed.

As soon as Veronica finished speaking, Alice spoke. “Mr. Craig, you probably don’t mind relocating to a more private area, do you?”

Lucas calmly glanced at her. “Sorry, I mind too.”

What an incredible team they made.

Alice raised an eyebrow but did not show her irritation. Instead, she shifted her gaze to Marion.

“Miss Marion, can I have a few words with you?”

Marion looked at Alice and earnestly countered, “If I say no, will you give up trying to talk to me?”

Alice kept her smile. “No, so Miss Marion, it’s better not to refuse me.”

Marion looked at Alice reluctantly. “Fine, I’ll endure what you have to say to me.”


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